Jessica Berget Assistant Editor I’ve had my two mixed breed savannah cats Minnie and Leo for five or six years and they are attention whores. Minnie may scream like a banshee while awake, but when she is asleep, she is an angel too pure for this world. My other cat Leo is a bastard who only cares about food, getting affection, and fighting other cats. He will stick his face in your mouth to get your attention. If you don’t give him adequate affection, he will walk around the house with a sock in his mouth meowing mournfully. He’s also a bit of a freak as he loves being spanked when pet and often lays around the house belly up like a big fat man. Janis McMath Editor-in-Chief My cat’s name is Milk. Contrary to popular belief, she doesn’t let her beauty get to her head; she’s very humble. Layout by Christine Weenk