LO Pesoonsibility Allowances: The expired collective agreement makes provision for reeponsibility allowances for instructors who assume acmuinisfrative or co-ordinating functions. My understanding is that the parties have agreed to a rate of $1922 per year for Divisional Chairmen. . . The current rate for Department Heads is $528 per year and the Association requests that this be increased- to $1,069 per year. In addition, the Association proposes a rate of $290 per year for Assistant Department Heads and Co-ordinator I positions and $609 per year for Co-ordinator 1 positions. The Cuiicge proposes rates of $269 per year for Department Heads; $500 per year for Assistant Department jieads and Co-ordinator U; and $250 per year for Co-ordinator I. My understanding i ; ays . js trat these latter positions are new and are partofa re-organization of administrative arrangements. In my jucgment, the proposals of the College are fair and reasonable and! recommend that they be accepted as part of a revised collective agreement. recommend further that the partics sign a letter of understanding, to include the following: That the Department Ileads in Beauty Culture (Michels), Engineering (Reid) and Graphics (Frandsen) will receive an allowance of $1,056 per annum uatil such time as the allowance for a Department He ad excecds that amount as long a8 the incurnberts continue to hold that office and the cuties and responsinilities remain substantially at Chairman in Food unchanged: that the Depart ive an allowance of Trades (Nowacri) will rec 1, 534 vio3h December 1974 and an allowance of $1, 656 effective 1 January 1975 until such time as the allowance for Department tlead exceeds ~ holds that position that a ee ties remain ticipated age Par pos 3 ital ane. patie sudstastially unchangee + that any other instructor drawing aa as Department tead will cont craw rhount he received on | Decors as long as he holds the position of Departinent Head, Assistant Deparineat plead oF Co-ordinator Il and until such time as the appropriate allowance exceeda the protected figure. -lil- Salary Schedule - Access to Steps 14 and 15: The parties are not far apart on the salary schecules each is proposing. Indeced, if they had been able to resolve the question of professional development and student contact- vhours, 1am of the opinion that they could have reached agreement on most other matters. The Association proposes 4 12% increase effective January Ist, 1974, and a further increase of 3%, effective April Ist, 1974. The College proposes the elimination of step 0 in the scale; an increase of 12% at Step 1, ‘effective January Ist, 1974; and an increase of 11% at tep 15 in the scale, effective January Ist, 1974. I have given a great deal of thought to this matter and for a number of reasons, ] have concluded that 1 should recommend tfe adoption of the College proposal, with The College proposal compares some modifications. ‘favourably with schedules in effect at various comnvinity colleges and vocational institutions throughout the Province. The 1974 average for these institutions was approximately $11, 884 at the minimum and $19, 969 at the maximum. The effect of the College proposal is $12, 004 at the minimum and $20, 110 at the maximum. I have also been influenced in this matter by the fact that the revised collective agreement, if for a one-year term, would expire December 31st, 1974. This means that if the issues had been resolved in a normal period, it could be re-opened on September lst, 1974. With the long delay, the revised agreement could be re-negotiated almost on the day of signiag. -12- Recommendation on Salary Schedules: That the following salary schedule be accepted, effective January lst, 1974: Per Annum Per Diem (Regular (Temporary and Step Full-time) | Auxiliary Full-time) 1 $12, 004 $ 58.56 2 12, 583 © 61. 38 3 13, 162 64.20 4 13, 741 67.03 5 14, 320 69.85 6 14, 899 72. 68 7 15, 478 75.50 ° 8 16, 057 78. 33 9 16, 636 81.15 10 17, 215 83.98 ll 17, 794 86,80 12 18, 373 89.62 13 18.952, 92.45 * 14 ‘, "19, 531 95.27 * 15 20, 110 98.10 Access to Steps 14 and 15: Historically the last two steps on the salary schedule have been restricted to instructors in Engineering and Navigation. The Association seeks the removal of this "bar", so that all instructors could advance to levels 14 and 15. The evidence is that 39 instructors are currently at Step 13. The College proposes the following procedures for re-classificatian: