opinions // 20 You only have one reputation » Don't underestimate the destructive force of dishonesty Elliot Chan Opinions Editor © opinions @theotherpress.ca ournalists getting into trouble—an old story, yet a frequent one. There is not much you can predict these days except that sooner or later some established media figure will stumble off the pedestal they created for themselves and writhe in the filth of their undoing. What happened to Brian Williams, NBC’s Nightly News anchor, could not have happened to anyone. It was not an honest mistake. He did not misquote a subject. He did not make a typo. He made a conscious decision to lie. And although the public may be forgiving, they will never forget. A person’s reputation is built upon their competence and integrity. When someone compromises it, as in the case of Williams, that reputation is tarnished. The stakes are the same; it doesn’t matter if the person is a 40-year : veteran ora newly hired intern. : But what can we learn from : this incident? After all, we : understood at a very young age : not to lie. The reason we lie is not : necessarily because we are evil, : lazy, hurtful people. The main : motivation for lying comes : internally from the person : telling it. They may have a lack : of confidence, lack of ability, : or lack of trust. People lie to : themselves first in a fake-it- : until-you-make-it sort of way. : The lies then snowball and : eventually what began as a : little confidence boost becomes : : arolling, unstoppable stone of : trouble. When Williams was called out for his exaggerated : story, he admitted to : misremembering the situation. : And believe it or not, in his : subconscious mind, that is : in fact true. If you tell a lie : enough, eventually it does : become true; however, that : doesn’t change reality. We : need to be aware of what we : are lying about and how far we string our web. It is time we recognize : that there is no such thing as : a harmless lie. Whether it’s in Da professional, academic, or : social environment lying can compromise your reputation : and destroy your relationships. : We must have confidence in : ourselves and own up to our : mistakes. People are quick : to forget errors. We all make : mistakes. We all live pretty : normal lives. We all work hard. : We should stop allowing lies to be an acceptable norm. Take a look at your resumé or listen to yourself at a party : and try to catch yourself when you stray from the truth. Call : yourself out on it. The sooner : you know you area liar, the : sooner you can stop. You do : need to stop. If you don't, it : will destroy your life. Maybe : not today. Maybe not 20 years : from now. But one day. Look : at all the famous people who : are now only recognized for : the lies they told and not their : accomplishments. You don’t : want your name on the career : tombstone alongside Brian : Williams, do you? Photo Illustration by Joel McCarthy theotherpress.ca Fuck the police? » The cool and edgy sentiment from everyone’s favourite peanut gallery: the Internet : their hands where they could : be seen, noticed one of the : men in the backseat reaching : towards the far side of his foot. : The officer pulled out his gun, : repeated his lawful orderonce_ : : or twice ina stern way, and then : : shot the man multiple times, : killing him. Alex Stanton Staff Writer I a trend that’s as old as the profession itself, but has only gained noticeable momentum in the past decade or so. It appears as though you can't even mention “law enforcement” in a light that is anything but completely negative without some young kid—who spends far too much time reading alternative news websites and YouTube comments—jumping up your ass and verbally tearing you to pieces for implying that we don’t live in a police state where the average law enforcement officer is a power-hungry closet murderer. Aside from that being an unbelievably close- minded view, it’s important to remember some very basic human concepts. As I write this article, I'm reminded of an officer involved in a shooting that happened early last year in Billings, Montana. The officer approached a vehicle containing four meth heads and, after calmly asking everyone to place Now here’s the part that : may cause a bit of internal : dissonance for the many people : : who disagree with me. The dash : : cam footage showed the officer : sprawled out on the hood of his : car, reduced to tears after the : experience. A fellow officer of : his could be seen comforting : him, reminding him that he : met his number one goal for : the day: to make it home to his : family in one piece. The moral of the story isn’t that cops are the créme de la : creme of society and are always ; justified in the decisions they ; make (though I believe, in this : case, he was totally justified); : it’s that these men and women : are only human. Of course, ; they have to be held toa higher i standard, and every civilian ; death caused by police must ; be investigated. But to hop on : the bandwagon and scream, : “Fuck the police!” every time : something like this happens is, : in the plainest terms possible, : just being a total sheep. “Protect and serve” isa distant second to “surviving” in terms of police priorities, as : per common sense and their training. Reading past the : sensationalist headlines about : these incidents and the peanut gallery known as the general : public will reveal that most of ; these situations aren’t as black : and white as they are portrayed : in the media. It’s surprisingly easy to create a personal opinion on : asituation where you don’t : know what went down. It’s : even easier when the extent : of your experience up close : and personal with the police : consists of failing to talk your way out of a speeding ticket : because your poker face sucks : or you forgot your sexy low-cut : top. Unfortunately, it’s not easy : to think critically about what you hear from the media, and to : see these people as human. al CT iy a) ~ nay NS