JUST AS I THOUGHT, | SOLIDARITY CONFERENCE WITH CUBA, VENEZUELA, © BOLIVIA re ) an ~ TM Opm Sept. 30th, 2006 Practicing Solidarity FREE THE CUBAN FIVE! Unitarian Church of Vancouver 949 W. 49th Ave. (at Oak Street) For Registration, or for More info: MAY 20th COALITION bemay20demo@yahoo.ca | 778-882-5223 | 604-732-5197 == FUNNY PEOPLE WELCOME. emmagenty Cerin ek fenced Grease, Bien Gales Geer Oamate fakes Leceteely SHW'g., Ge Faw Geewer tor Pee Cocec tee Seragectges, {meee tatmariey Com } ROE EPLG iis