Zz Opinions To Golgotha and Beyond: Comforting the Afflicted and Afflicting the Comfortable Kevin Annett OP Contributor Wee as one body, the eight- een of us, into the Anglican Church that Sunday morning. The organ music droned on, and the pew- drones grasped their hymn-books compulsively, like lapsed addicts. But none of that stopped us. We scattered throughout the pale con- gregation, and five of us walked firmly to the front of the sanctuary, amidst dreary icons and fancy robes. The five turned and faced the crowd. The priests looked shocked. We had clearly caught them off guard, standing on their preserve, occupy- ing what they thought was their turf. Since the five were all Indians, the priests were nervous, but too wedded to politeness to say any- i u e seemed odd to 8 | OtherPress Sudden recognition of who we were filled the priests with dread. One of them quickly signaled the organist to begin playing. The funeral noise drowned out our clan mother’s voice, but she kept speaking, unfazed, as the drones began singing on cue, not looking up from their little books. The priests hoped we'd go away at that point, but we didn’t. We wait-. ed, like we've been waiting for cen turies. With an unspoken word, o band gathered at the front of th church, some of us handing leafl to the crowd, others standing n our clan mother, guardéf words and her witness. S strength, the machine sp stopped. The organ ga fight and quieted. Trying the anger and hatred on hy older priest approached tered, “You can all go to years for disrupting a ch ice. You know that, don er silenced his threz people destroy, ever we ‘re all guilty for paused. Not a in the cold oked so lost and coni enly. Sensing disaster, the priest ttered into the microphone, idential schools and we are work- with First Siuiors pene to hel Se aS new voice roared sdirough ch, stopping his lies. “ the murdered children? V out the murders? What good ig ogy to dead children?” Ch ted then: pure, liberating cha ew-drones scattered under the truth, some of them fleeii ilding, others « covering A church usher scream ing at us, waving his arms ur church has apologized for the — May 2004 exposed, for all to see, in all its bloody violence. Naked and power- less, it roared its outrage. Nicety vanished. Brute force took charge. It sent its thugs after us then, as both the priests and two security men rushed towards us and demanded that we leave. One guy began yelling into his cell phone, saying over and over, “Get me the police! The police!” Rage-filled eyes stared out at us where a moment before was the sleepy cow-like gaze of the ontented. “Good Christians” called scum, whores, and junkies. The r priest yelled into a quiet native face, “Get out of here you ig storm trooper!” he unspoken joy Jesus must hat day when he trashed so 0 long 280, 3 our little put.of that place s OMes and eetpehing aac” for the money- changers had been routed, and we had done our job. Laughter spilled from our once-shadowed hearts as we walked as free souls down the ‘streets of the downtown east- of Vancouver: a suddenly radi- ad eyes to see and hear We were alive again. far ‘our strength a and one oe se oe crucifix