es NOTICES ISTUDENT ASSISTANTS Departments that are interested in hiring student assis- tants for the Fall ‘87 semester are requested to contact the Student Placement Office by Friday, August 7th, 1987. Positions will be advertised to students beginning in late August. Call local 2713 for further information. Connie Hamre, Student Placement ILONG DISTANCE CALLS When making Long Distance calls it is imperative that you fill out a report of your call or calls made: i.e.Phone Number Your Name Place of call made Purpose of call Date of call made and send your reports to Sylvia at the Switchboard. Paul Hodson [A SHOWER for Pat Thomasson and her new baby JEFFREY DAVID will be held on THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1987 AT 1800 hrs. in New Westminster (exact location T.B.A.) POT LUCK AND B.Y.O.B. All those interested in attending please phone Barb Be- ssey (4914) or Gena Ballantyne (4910) or Yvonne Mostert (2115) before June 30, 1987. [APARTMENT WANTED Visiting Faculty at Douglas College looking to rent 1 or 2 bedroom furnished apartment, from August 1, 1987 to July 31, 1988. Preferable location - close to Douglas College. Possibilities? Contact Bobbie Boehm (2307); or write: Ms. C. Hart, Box 331, South Porcupine, Ontario PON 1HO [APARTMENT OR HOUSE WANTED | 9 Prof. & Mrs. Nabae of Momoyama Gakuin (St. Andrew's) University of Osaka, Japan want to rent a fur- nished apartment or a house, starting around July 20 to August 23, 1987. They will be leading a group of Momoyama student who will be studying English at Douglas College for five weeks this summer. lf you have an apartment or a house to sublet, please contact Ikuko Haraguchi (4202) or Tad Hosoi (2301). MACATION | will be on vacation from July 6 to August 7 inclusive. Trish Angus will be Acting Dean while | am away. G. DellaMattia