INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 COMPUTER SKILLS ¢ SEPTEMBER T4 CIS 110 N90 (Introduction to Computers) starts, 1600-1900, Room 4243 (Lab 4333) TH6 CIS 410 N90 (Microcomputer Concepts and Software Applications) starts, 1600-1900, For room number consult Fall schedule of classes available from the Registrar’s Office * OCTOBER T2 WordPerfect, Basic Part |, 0830-1000, Room TBA Participants will be registered for all three ses- sions. Pre-registration is required - contact Personnel (local 5440). T9 WordPerfect, Basic Part Il, 0830-1000, Room TBA W10 WordPerfect, Shortcuts, 0830-1000, Room TBA Includes a review of quick and easy ways to use WordPerfect. This session will be benefi- cial for users who have used WordPerfect in the past but have not used it recently or for “self-taught” users. Individuals who learned word processing on other systems may also benefit. Pre-registration is required - contact Personnel (5440). 116 WordPerfect, Basic Part Ill, 0830-1000, Room TBA W17 WordPerfect, Calendar I, 0830-1000, Room TBA Participants will be registered in both ses- sions. Pre-registration is required - contact Personnel (5440). T23 WordPerfect, Electronic Mall, 0830-1000, Room TBA Pre-registration is required - contact Person- nel (5440). W24 WordPerfect, Calendar Il, 0830-1000, Room TBA « NOVEMBER T6 WordPerfect, Sort/Select, 0830-1000, Room TBA Pre-registration is required - contact Person- nel (5440). W7 WordPerfect, Macros and Line Draw, 0830-1000, Room TBA Pre-registration is required - contact Person- nel (5440). HRD — FALL 1990 T13 WordPerfect, Merge Part |, 0830-1000, Room TBA Participants will be registered in both ses- sions. Pre-registration is required - contact Personnel (5440). W14 WordPerfect, Merge Part Il, 0830-1000, Room TBA T20 WordPerfect, Columns, 0830-1000, Room TBA Pre-registration is required - contact Person- nel (5440). W21 WordPerfect, Math, 0830-1000, Room TBA Pre-registration is required - contact Person- nel (5440). T27 WordPerfect, Printers and Labels, 0830-1000, Room TBA Pre-registration is required - contact Person- nel (5440). W28 WordPerfect, MIx & Match, 0830-1000, Room TBA This session will include combinations of fea- tures such as mark text, line draw, foot- notes/endnotes, line numbering, CTRL-F5, comments/summary, statistical typing, forms fill-in, etc., as determined by needs of par- ticipants. Pre-registration is required - con- tact Personnel (5440). HEALTH PROGRAMS « OCTOBER M1 CPR A, 0900-1300, Room TBA Do you know the “signals” of a heart attack? What action steps would you take to help a heart attack victim? Come on — learn to bea first responder during this four-hour course! Put your heart into it! (Red Cross certificate is- sued) Pre-registration is required - please call 527-5472 or local 3001 between 10:00 and 4:30 daily. Quote course #V903 -31101E W24 Getting Ahead of the Pack (Stop Smoking Program), 0900-1200, Room TBA This workshop will provide the opportunity for discussion and sharing of techniques to as- sist you to stop smoking. Pre-registration is required - contact Personne] (5440). F26 CPR A, 0900-1300, Room TBA Do you know the “signals” of a heart attack? What action steps would you take to help a heart attack victim? Come on — learn to be first responder during this four-hour course! Put your heart into it! (Red Cross Certificate issued). Pre-Registration is required - please call 527-5472 or local 3001 to register between 10:00 and 4:30 daily. Quote course # V903-31101F.