LOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES MAD HATTER PAGE 5 Talking to Your School Aged Child About Sex (hr. tape) If anyone wants to see television in the making, two additional programs will be filmed this fall. October 27 - AIDS November 24 - Child Abuse Sessions will be held at the college at 1930 hours. The cost is $3 for each ses- sion. Please register by calling Commun- ity Programs and Services, Admissions at 520-5472. et Two capable instructors will give talks on problem solving and profit growth, along with other topics to assist the | smal] businessman. Dr. Art Guthrie, a practicing business consultant and James Denholm (professional engineer and past president of the C.G.A. of Canada) in- struct at the Cctober 25 and 26 workshops. The cost is $15. To register, call Com- munity Programs & Services at 520-5472. INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS As we head into the age of the micro-chip, But it needn't be a ter- most a necessity. rifying experience. Douglas College will show how computers can be fun with "Introduction to Computer Graphics", a two-session workshop that starts October 21. The workshop teaches how to write and apply programs which use the graphic capabilities of microcomputers. The student may not invent Pac Man in the first week, but they will be able to pro- duce still and moving images for use in business or leisure. The cost is $47, or roughly 94 games of Donkey Kong without a reply. To register, call Community Programs and Services at 520-5472, learning how to use computers has become al- | WORD PROCESSING BRUNCH | Who said “never on a Sunday"? | "Word Processing - What's it all About?" is a workshop designed to give partici- pants an idea of what word processing can do for them. The workshop examines the roll of the of- | fice worker, factors to consider about records management, and gives advice on | purchasing a word processor to suit your needs. This single session workshop cost $40, and includes brunch. What better way to start the day? To register, cal] Community Programs & Services at 520-5472. WOMEN IN BUSINESS Douglas College and the Ministry of Indus- try and Small Business will be co-sponsor- GROWTH AND PROFIT IN THE 80's Douglas College is planning to give smal] through the 80's. "Plan to Grow and Profit in the 80's" is a two session workshop designed to help busi- nesses stay on their feet and flourish by developing and implementing their own busi- ness plan. business operators insight on how to inake it ing a FREE seminar on October 27, 1900 to 2200 hours, to be held at the college. "Women in Business - A Dynamic Presence", will be presented by Bill Gibson and Neil Godin, charismatic lecturers of Newport Marketing. They have presented seminars to over 20,000 people within the last year for the Ministry of Industry and Smal] Business. Topics covered during this evening, which is designed for women managers, supervis-