MAD HATTER PAGE 2 4 es Music “6 STUDENT DISPLAYS TALENT’ Wildwood Hall was the scene of music and merriment last December 20th as tne Praeder-Willi Association held its annual Christmas Party. Helping to create the festive atmosphere was Douglas College student Greg McIntyre. Greg nas been studying autoharp for the past few months, and the party tmarked his first public performance. Greg's rendition of The Little Drunmer Boy drew enthusiastic applause from the approximately 50 people present. ix. McIntyre is a special student in a contracted service through Community Programs and Services at Douglas College. He is also enrolled in the Adult Basic Education course. LIBRARY Library orientations for students at McBride campus will be held-from Noon to 1 P.M. on January 12, 13, and 14 in Room N105 and January 13 from 1 to 2P.M. in Room N110. Library tours and instruction classes for other classes are also available. Jean Cockburn, the Orientation Librarian, can introduce students to the reference tools and periodical indexes of a particular subject area. Please make arrangements by calling her at local 20, Winslow Campus (939-6611). If she is unavailable, contact Diana Cochran at the same number. HINTS FOR DEALING WITH THE PHYSICALLY DISABLED 1. Most people who use wheelchairs will ask for assistance if they need it. Don't automatically assume that assistance is required. Offer as- sistance if you wish, but do not in- sist and accept a “no thank you" graciously. 2. A wheelchair is part of a person's body space. Don't hang or lean on the chair. 3. When talking to a person in a wheel- chair, if the conversation continues foc more than a few minutes, sit down, or squat if convenient. 4, People are not confined to wheel- chairs. They often transfer to automobiles and to furniture. some pecple who use wheelchaizs can walk with the aid of canes, braces, crutches, or waikers. Using a wheelchair provides a means of con- serving énergy or moving about more quickly. 5 5. Access is a major concern for many disabled people. The person must find a route that does not present barriers. A barrier may be a stair, a narrow walkway, a heavy door, an elevator door that has no delay mechanism, or a vehicle blocking a curb cut or ramp. 6. Learn where special facilities are located. At McBride, a special wash- room is located in the 500 Building across from the staff/faculty lounge. At winslow, there is an equipped stall in the men's and women's wash- rooms on the main floor in the class- room wing. For further information, contact Gladys Klassen at 521-4851, local 285.