INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / APRIL 25, 1989 briefs LIBRARY DUE DATE Please note that April 25 is our end of semester due date. Please return all Library materials promptly so that we can get ready for the Summer semester. Thank you. NEW RESEARCH ASSISTANT IN REGISTRAR’S OFFICE - The Registrar, Trish Angus, is pleased to announce that a replacement has been found for the position of Research Assistant. The successful applicant is Katie Parsons. Katie has worked part-time as a Math advisor. She is a graduate of the University of Newcastle and brings with her a wide and varied work background in the field of market research, Statistical analysis and business. Katie’s most recent job outside the College was most exciting and gave her an opportunity to be involved on the leading edge of aircraft design. Angus is pleased that Parsons has joined the staff in the Registrar’s Office and believes that she will add a new and dynamic element to institutional research. During the next period of a couple of months she will be orienting herself to her new responsibilities. ott COMPUTER COURSE FOR FACULTY AND ADMIN. The College will be sponsor- ing another Introduction to Computers (CIS 110) Course in the summer Term 1989. This course will be open to all Regular Faculty and Ad- ministrators. The enrollment for this course is limited. The course will be taught in an accelerated two week format, May 1-5, May 8-12, Monday to Friday, 0900-1500 in Room 4243. Each person enrolled in the course will be given the use of an IBM-PC compatible com- puter and printer for the duration of the summer. The en- rollment will be for Credit or on an Audit basis. Marian Exmann (local 4715) is compiling a list of interested and eligible participants. Anyone in- terested should notify her by noon of April 28, 1989. Should the list of persons eligible ex- ceed available space then a “Lottery” will be held shortly after noon of April 28. TEMPORARY CLOSURE The Student Finance & Place- ment Office will be closed all day, Thursday, April 27. Stu- dent Finance staff will be attending a meeting with the Ministry im Victoria. Employers wishing to advertise job oppor- tunities for students should call: 520-5400, local 2713. In the Bag: Professional Development Final session of the Brown Bag Series, 12:00 to 2:00, in the Lower Cafeteria, Faculty/Staff Lounge. ¢ Apr. 26 Evaluation Brown Bag Series