14° PRESIDENT D'HONNEUR -— M. R. BOURASSA ler Ministre Prov. Qué. COMITE D'HONNEUR @ REPRESENTANTS DES GOUVERNEMENTS — MME. J. SAUVE Min. Environnement —M. G. HARVEY, Min. du Revenu —- M. G. MARCEAU. M.P. -— M. C. GAGNE, Maire de Jonquiére @ REPRESENTANTS DE L'EDUCATION -—-M. G. ARGUIN, Recteur Université du Qué- bec @ Chicoutimi -— M. R. GAUTHIER Directeur Général du CEGEP Régional “-M. L. REID Président A.C.S. —-M. C.-A. BOILY. Directeur Général CEGEP Jonquiére - M.D. J. PENNER Président 15e Expo-Sciences Pan-Cunadienne COMITE D'ORGANISATION -—-M.C. RAINVILLE. Président - OR. F.-X. GARNEAU -M. L. GIRARD - M. P. LAROUCHE -M. E. LAVOIE —- M. A. TREMBLAY ORGANISMES AFFILIES @ FONDATION SCIENCES JEUNESSE -— OR. H. C. ROWSELL. Président -M. Cc. E. JERSCH Directeur Général @ CONSEIL DE LA JEU- NESSE SCIENTIFIQUE — DR. J.-M. ROUSSEAU. Président -— M. F. MIRON, Directeur Général Expo~Sciences ae © Pan-Canadienne Ltée = & KENOGAMI, C.P. QNQUlE, Sprit 44 ; : ge aN ho oh) / 1975 198 (P.Qae G7 x 7X7 A Word from the President In close cooperation with the Youth Science Foundation and the Conseil de la Jeunesse Scientifique of Quebec, the host committee of the fourteenth Canada-Wide Science Fair is pursuing two objectives. The first objective concerns the organisation of a national exhibition of the projects submitted by Canada’s finest pre-university science students. An eight day program of scientific, cultural, sight-seeing and social activities will be offered to the 225 grand winners of the regional science fairs throughout Canada and to the 75 delegates accompanying them. Moreover, we hope that the event will help in promoting the expansion of extra-curricular science activities and in fostering a greater motivation towards scientific carreers. In view of this second objective, besides inviting distinguished speakers, the Saguenay-Lac St-Jean region will host Board of Directors meetings of various groups such as the Conseil de la jeunesse scientifique, the Youth Science Foundation, the science curriculum service of the Department of Education, the National Committee of Science Fairs, etc. At present, we are assured of the participation of the world of industry and of education [at the secondary, collegial and university levels]; similarly, we are also sure of the collaboration of many government departments such as: Your presence at Jonquiere for this event will be another Environnement Canada, the Secretariat of State, the High Commission of Youth, Recreation and sports, the Department of Education of Quebec, the Department of Cultural Affairs, Communication-Québec, etc. token of - your encouragement to the aspirations of this young people. Claude Rainville, président