LPoatet! a TICE 1 SLL Pec” 8 STAPF A runber of major events within the past few months have brought about a radical change in the committee structure of Jouglas College. arent action was nermanent site the mest chviaous and decisive er a To senior managerent, that prommted change the recent acauisition in New Westminster. The site increase positive with the acquisition, in student enrolment, climate for Witha 21.9% presents a innovation an: cnange toeether obvious emphasis on committee structure. Old committees, (like many old ideas} become stale and Dr.Wcotton is thorough!y convinced that the Planning Council has served its usefulness as interim step in the overall development of our multi-campus system. an In a regular workshop of Principal's Council (Tucsdav, March 19) Dr. Wootton stated that "The Roles of our Deans and other senior managenent involved with the Planning Council have been distinctly changed in terms of WORKSHOP : COUNCIL, PRINCIPAL'S ~ MARCH 19,107!) their daily operatines mandate. A full description of their specific functions will P appear in a forthcoming issue of tae MAD PATTER." As many of us are aware, the Planning Council attempted to be “all things to «11 peonle" in terms of rresenting studics and recomm- endations to Principal's Council. This was particularly true as reeommendations related te facilities, curriculum, staff, finencine and lone term »lanning. Members ef the Planning Council were const- antly “rupning’ to catch up with current needs while tinder considerable wressure to look inte the vuture. ROLES OF CLALNMINE In essence. members of tac Piunnineg Council COUNCIL EYANME.ED were Starting to each wear about three different nats at every meeting. While it can be areued that a lot of cround was i. a RY DOUGL"S