a gar Qian - Insufficient (FunJds: Manhunt Hunting season in Vancouver has begun By Jacey Gibb downtown and witness a person wearing an armband hiding behind bushes momentarily before taking off in a hurry down the street, there’s no need for concern. You’re not witnessing some form of shotty bank robbery getaway or a Fight Club-esque organization hard at work; you’ve simply unknowingly entered into the boundaries of a game of Manhunt. No, not the term used to describe your quest for Mr. Right, but |: in the near future you’re walking and hide-and-go-seek. How Manhunt works is a general area is decided upon ahead of time, with boundaries being determined by the number of players that show up, ranging from a single city block to a couple. A way to identify players from the general 14 rather a modernized urban mixture of tag public is by looking for a clearly visible marker wrapped around the individual’s upper arm. When all the players have been assembled, one person is randomly selected to be the ‘manhunter’ while everyone else is labelled as ‘prey’. The prey are then given a short amount of time to flee the starting area before the game begins. The main objective of the game is obviously to avoid being tagged by the manhunter. Once a person has been tagged, they too become a manhunter. The game goes either until a previously arranged time has passed or until everyone has been caught. Players then reconvene at the starting place and a new game begins. ; While hiding and running away are important parts to the game, strategy also comes into play. Since there is no way to identify the manhunter from another else, there is the element of constant suspicion for anyone with an armband. Additionally, this can work in your favour if you’re not the manhunter, but would like to pretend that you are in order to trick others into leaving you alone. How the game is played is entirely up to the person. There are Manhunt groups in several different cities (including Edmonton, where I first got introduced to the game) and Manhunt Vancouver just had their first event of the season a couple of weeks ago. The group is also known to organize other games such as capture the flag but the main focus is usually on Manhunt. At the moment, the group is meeting only biweekly on Thursday nights (though the day of the week might change soon) but as soon as the weather begins to warm up, the events will begin to happen-once a week. organizer of Manhunt out there for providing this opportunity to revisit one of my favourite childhood games, and I'd also like to encourage you to check it out sometime if you get the chance. If you’re looking for something fun (and more importantly, free!) to do during the week, join the Facebook group “Manhunt Vancouver’ and watch for the next event. Also, make sure you’re clicking on the correct Facebook group and not the adult-orientated variation. Just a heads up on that one. The next game of Manhunt is happening on Thursday, March 10 on Granville Island. New players to the game should arrive a bit earlier in case they have any questions, but the game doesn’t actually start until six fifteen. Damage: Free