Arts & Entertainment What the Hell is a Dunny, Anyway? 5 x::ss:.: Dunny by Kid Robot $8 & up (waaaaaay up) Paaacens is a funny thing; some people are addicted to crack, others Warcraft, some people purchase seemingly irrational things... Why? I don’t know, it must be some deep seeded need to consume at all costs. Enter designer toys. That’s right, designer toys. These lil’ mofos are directed at adults with disposable income or addictive personalities. That’s me and you. Kid Robot has whole line of such toys. One specifically boner inducing line is called a Dunny (slang for devil bunny.) Dunnies look like a Hello Kitty doll on drugs and similar to Lay’s potato chips, you can’t have just one. The Dunny is a small, 4”, 8” or 20” tall, anthropomorphic rabbit made from a soft vinyl that is used a blank canvas for urban graphic artists. A Dunny has a 360 degree rotational head, movable arms and generally something special to put in each paw. Accessories include ice cream cones, whips, knives, ray guns and yes, even a sheep. Each “rabbit” is designed to represent everything from Lenin to Mexican wrestlers to samurai’s to simply a piece of graffiti. Awesome. Now this may come as a big surprise but these were invented in Asia, land of Kabuki, Sushi, and yes, Hello Kitty. Michel Lua is credited with igniting the urban vinyl toy movement in 1998, with the Gardener series produced by Sony. Kid Robot pioneers Paul Budnitz and Tristan Eaton began pushing the devil bunnies into the Americas in 2004 and a phenomenon was born. Dunnies have attracted designs by artists such as Frank Kozik, Gary Baseman and Tara Macpherson. Blank Dunnies are even available for you to express your inner feelings in your very own piece of Urban Art. The words limited edition make me drool. Dunnies are a limited edition toy, meaning they only produce a certain number of each design with specific designs having a lower production numbers. They also come in what is called a “blind box,” meaning you don’t know which Dunny you are buying, it’s like a Christmas surprise for every eight dollars you can scrabble together. The limited runs plus the blind boxes equal some Dunnies being very rare and can fetch up to $750 dollars on eBay. No shit. Back to addiction. So I have this friend, and his only goal was to get one of the more rare Dunnies. He kept buying the blind boxes until he got the one he wanted. All the common Dunnies he put sticky tack on them and stuck them to his crappy apartment roof. The one “rare” dunny was in a clear plastic case on his shelf. Addiction is a funny thing, people. Whatever Happened to...? 5 cress a Jodie Sweetin Awkward middle sister on hit show Full House and child star, Jodie Sweetin has experienced some turbulent times since portraying the role of Stephanie Tanner. At 20-years old, Sweetin married a Los Angeles Police officer named Shaun Holguin Houston Brigitte Nielsen Brigitte Nielsen, 45, you may remember from her former roles in Red Sonja and Rocky IV. The 6’1” actress’ role in Rocky led to her successful two-year marriage to the 5’9” Sylvester Stallone which ended very publicly due to her philandering ways with the Mr. T Mr. T now lives in Sherman Oaks, California, without a wife, girlfriend or even a life partner. After the conclusion of the A-Team, Laurence Tureaud, also known as Mr. T, teamed with fellow Rocky III star Hulk Hogan as his tag team partner in WWF Wrestlemania in Monica Lewinsky Lewinsky got famous for getting frisky with President Clinton and his lit cigar, and has admittedly become “well-known for something that isn’t great to be well-known for.” Since the trial for the “sex” scandal Lewinsky appeared on satirical show like The Tom Green where Candace Cameron, her Full House elder sister, was in her bridal party. Soon after her marriage, Sweetin became heavily addicted to methamphetamine, also known as “the poor man’s cocaine.” Her two-year battle with the daily-fed addiction ended when she lost consciousness due to heart arrhythmia, hypothermia and irregular breathing at which point her marriage crumbled, and she entered rehab for six weeks. Sweetin remarried in 2007 to Cody Herpin in Vegas after knowing him for two months. They now have a child and Sweetin is filming a movie called Port City set to hit theatres sometime in 2009. 14 New York Jets’ Mark Gastineau. Nielsen’s flourishing D-list career led her to star in a few forgettable movies and some very memorable reality television shows like the Surreal Life for her earnest relationship with 5’7” rapper Flava Flav, Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew for her alcohol addiction struggles, and most recently a German reality show where she would undergo six plastic surgeries for her sagging skin. Nielsen lives happily with her 30-year-old bartender husband, Mattia Dessi whom she married illegally in 2005. Brigitte plans on posing of the cover of Playboy later this after which she plans on having more children by using in vitro fertilization. 1985. The star has made several TV and movie appearances as himself and appeared in that terrible teen movie spoof Not Another Teen Movie as... himself! In 1995, 43- year-old Mr T was diagnosed with cancer, but with chemotherapy and radiation therapy survived, despite several tabloid reports that he had in fact died. Mr. T, a born-again Christian, attends church every Sunday. In 2005, Laurence declared that he would never wear his huge, tacky chains again. Why you ask? Because “It’s an insult to God,” he said; Warcraft must be the exception to his commitment though, since in 2007, he wore that beautiful signature jewelry of his for a World of Warcraft advertisement. Show and Saturday Night Live before launching her own line of handbags (cigar not included). In 2004 Lewinsky wrote an autobiography with the original title My Life, in which she shows her bitter side, discrediting Clinton for not admitting their relationship was mutual. In December 2006 Monica completed her Master’s Degree in Social Psychology from the London School of Economics. The title of her thesis was “In Search of the Impartial Juror: An exploration of the third person effect and pre-trial publicity.”