February 4, 2004 Culture e the other press © -hack/quarantine It's the end of the road for} Kite, Black Rose, Barmung, Orca, Mistral, and the rest. After taking nearly a year to release all four parts of dot hack, Bardai’s groundbreak- ing saga that blurred the lines of entertainment has come to an end. I may frequently be pointing out that this is the end, but its importance as the final piece of this saga is just as important as Return of the King, or Return of the Jedi— except there really isn’t a return of anything here because nothing was ever missing. As I’ve stated before, the dot hack games have very lit- tle innovation between the volumes game-play-wise. In fact, they are nearly identical except for a scant few features that have been added. So far, the only new feature that appears to be added is an item-collection quest, but it seems not to be unavailable until the game is finished. So as for innovation, from a game-play standpoint, there is absolutely nothing, The combat system is the same real-time system with the fully movable manual camera, and it’s the same real- time combat with a time- based factor for magic cast- ing. Graphically its identical to the previous volumes. It’s odd but the best way to think of this game is as one with four discs that are sold sepa- rately. Since it’s basically the end of a game, the only rea- son to pick up this title is if: you're still on the edge of your seat, waiting to know how it’s going to end. Before hitting some plot | points we should talk about ‘ the Liminality DVD that! comes as a standard bonus } with this final chapter. Now! Liminality still doesn’t make a | whole lot of sense unless you } play the game first, but it! does fill some gaps for what's | going on in the real world } and what certain effects ns wave virus is causing. That's | not the main reason I men- ‘ tion the disc, though. It’s: i hack//GIFT. What is that} you ask? Basically it’s a bonus you could mail away for in! Japan if you bought all four | copies of the game. Included ' on the disc was a singular ' episode of .hack, which has been thankfully added to this set. Now it’s not a normal episode of .Aack. It’s done in extremely bad animation with a total budget which seemed to have topped a whopping $23.57, or looks like it anyway. It’s an! extremely funny parody, with + a clash between the Sign and } game characters, in a search ! for the twilight hot spring. A i haven't played a single vol- ume should be looking to -hack/linfection first. However, the basic happen- ings in this volume are that our heroes don’t have time as a luxury if they're going to find the clues to help the peo- ple who were afflicted by comas while playing the game. With the severs in jeopardy from both the CC Corp, who are trying to cover up their mistake, and the de faa my ES (Stars Ce ee heads up for .hack//GIFT. First, this is subtitled only. I’m assuming they didn’t bother to get the English voice actors to do this (or they were too embarrassed to). This is the kind of weird humour that was present in Excel Saga, so if you're expect- ing a serious or dramatic close to the series, you're out of luck. As for the story itself, in this chapter of hack it’s the conclusion—and for some- thing that started off as an experiment to blur the lines of entertainment, it has great impact. Describing it, howev- er, is like trying to explain what happens in the last act of a film. Those who are familiar with the story may have a vague idea of what’s going on, but those who www.dothack.com erst waves of strange effects com- ing from the world, which are effecting the rest of the inter- net, it seems fairly bleak for our heros. This is the most basic back-of-the-box-like set up I can give, but I assure you, the game has quite a bit of depth. Most of it for this volume would be considered a spoiler. What else can one say at the end of a saga other than “it’s over.” If you haven't given this title a second thought, now may be the time to give it a try—but start with .hack//infection first, it will make much more sense. Whether you loved it or hated it, the fact still remains that it’s over. This could start a trend of multi- part games, but for your wal- let’s sake, let’s hope not. In addition to looking all fancy, with the accent thingie on the e, Prétear is also a magical girl anime with lots of pretty boys as well. In this anime it’s up to Himino, and the 7 Knights of Leafe, to stop the Princess of Disaster from draining the entire world’s leafe, or life energy. The picture quality is excellent in this volume, although, since we usu- ally only get newer series, and DVD transfer technology is improving, pic- ture quality like this is starting to be the new standard. For the sound aspect, we've got the now standard 5.1-channel English audio mix, as well as the original 2.0-channel Japanese vocal tracks. Since this was Volume One you also have the option of getting it in a fancy box } that will hold the whole set of DVDs. t Although I was sorely disappointed | by the lack of free stuff (I usually } expect a free t-shirt out of the deal), t after looking at the cover art I think { that maybe it’s a good idea I don’t have a Prétear shirt. As for disc-con- ‘ tained extras, there are the ever pop- | ular, and what I now call standard, t clean opening and closing anima- | tions. Along with that is a set of pro- | duction sketches, and the same ADV ! trailers you probably saw on other | ADV discs. But they did start some- } thing new: they have two 10-minute ! interviews with two of the voice | actors who worked on Prétear. These t are nothing amazing, but I figure that | since this is the first time they're | doing these, it is to be expected. The ! only odd thing was that the guy ! doing the interview ripped off Craig | Killborn’s “Five Questions” bit. ! Rounding out the disc particulars, | the English voice cast has done a ; http://www.otherpress.ca great job on the dub—although since most of these voice actors have done many different jobs, I can’t remember their names and I continue to call them by their character names from other series. Prétear appeats to have quite a bit more depth than your usual run-of- the-mill, magical-girl anime, and with only 13 episodes, there won't be any filler to speak of. The basic set up is that the Princess of Disaster has escaped from her prison, and since the Knights of Leafe can’t defeat her alone, they need to find someone to be their Prétear. What sets this apart form your typical magical-girl anime is Himino’s family life—her poor starving-writer father married the richest woman in town, and now she’s living on a huge estate with her two step-sis- ters. Neither sister really wants accept her as fami- ly, and her father doesn’t’ seem have enough time ,, to spend with her, so) ashes all depressed = and lonely and full of self doubt. That’s she runs ‘into one of the Knights of Leafe, literally, and they hit it off with such anime rapport that youd think they hated each other for And then, right on cue, that’s when the demon to to when years. as if larvae start attacking and _ it’s explained to her that she has to com- bine with a knight so she’s able to defeat the monster and so on. It’s an interesting take on the whole magi- cal-girl thing and gives it a fresh angle. And for the most part, the majority of the characters are original and not your basic cookie cut-outs. This is far outside my usual bounds of reviews, but it’s still got a solid story and interesting characters. For many of you this won't be your thing, actually taking one look at the cover will probably scare a few people away. And just to let you know, there’s only one girl on the cover and the rest are guys. So if you have an aversion to girly looking pretty boys and Japanese dub, I certainly would urge you to stay away from this. But if youre all about the magical girls and the pretty boys that naturally accompany them, then Prétear will certainly impress you. Page 15