shot came out of Hawaii, buddy had no intention of stepping down. We became an international embarrassment because Campbell couldn’t hold his liquor and drive straight. If ever there was a time to run like hell from the po-po, that was it, Gordo. Campbell is also preying upon our forget- fulness like George W. preyed upon American stupidity. Three years of tuition increases with the abolishment of student grants, the overriding of health care demands and strikes, ridiculous corporate tax cuts, the cre- ation of slaveewages for first-time workers, off-shore drilling rights, the evaporation of funding for every last women’s centre in the province—the list of decisions that ham- mered every day folks goes on and on. Yet, suddenly, these warm-and-fuzzy ads came out promoting the greatness of life in BC with a flurry of lucrative deals all around the province, despite Campbell’s staunch repeti- tion of “economic frugality.’ Suddenly, the economy is rosy (#1 in growth, according to, and everyone in BC has a reason to smile. Except for all those who lost their shirt in the first three years. If you’re a self-centred, all-purpose con- sumer, by all means, vote for the BC Liberals. for Carol James and the NOP For those taking part in the time-honoured tradition of voting against a party, Carol James is your pick. Sure, her only experience in the capital has consisted of guided tours through the house and a visit to the wax museum; sure, the only thing she’s been elect- ed to is a Greater Victoria school board; sure, her hairstyle puts women’s rights back a decade or so; but one thing can certainly be said for Carol James: she is definitely not Gordon Campbell. And that’s what she’s banking on—not waking up one day to find she’s Gordo and living a Tom Hanks’ sequel: Big Asshole. (Though it will take more than a magic genie in a booth for her to win.) With no track record to rely on, James has had to repeat her mantra of “trust me.” Why? She’s not Gordo, With the announced provin- cial surplus—coming largely on the backs of increased tuition fees (Congrats, students! We’ve provided Gordo with his ammuni- tion.)—James would freeze tuition, open more long-term care hospital beds, reduce wait lists, increase environmental standards, blah-ba-dee-blah-blah. With no mind for business, the New Democrats tug on the heartstrings and offer warm-and-fuzzy feel- ing alternatives to the Liberals without a real plan of any kind. The “social conscience” party offers vague promises without the wherewithal to run a corner store. May 11/2005 Do you want to entrust your vote to an unproven leader with only one returning MLA and 78 others who would need a map and detailed directions to find their way to work if elected? Can election commitments that are summed up on one page (www.our-, the majority of which is taken up by a picture, hold water? Of course. Because Carole James is defi- nitely not Gordon Campbell. Why marry the one you love when you can endlessly search for all the ones you don’t? for Adriane Carr and the Green Party In the last election, Carr and the Greens came awfully darned close to almost winning...a seat. On their website (, you will find a list of principles such as sus- tainability, grass-roots democracy, decentralization, non-violence, and ecological wisdom. How the hell is that ever going to work? While the Greens are easily the lungs and heart of British Columbia (the Liberals are the liver; the NDP the butt end), they have no mind for ruling a government. In their big green platform book, their first answer to the economy (whose debt still stands at a staggering $37 billion) is energy conservation. Okay...let’s see where they’re going with this. Their first commitment under their first answer is a tax credit for...double- and triple-pane glass windows? Are you fucking kidding me? I love the earth—I’d take a tree to the Motel 6, if only they’d let me back in—but BC is the third- largest province in the country, and you’re going to start me off with double-paned glass? Unruly and ignorant cynicism aside, this is the great fault line of the Green Party. While BC is the third-largest economy, we’re also the most beautiful place in the world, so wouldn’t it be swell if someone in power gave an endangered bay-breasted warbler’s ass about the environment? Unfortunately, the ugliness of reality is that no one gives a crap about the warbler or the environment. Under the Green Party principle of sustainability, the plan is to provide a safe and healthy envi- ronment for the next seven generations. The Liberals think they’re ambitious by laying out a Golden Decade; the New Democrats for planning out the next nine months. The Green Party’s failing is its optimism, and there’s no place for optimism in BC politics. So, go ahead, hippie—vote Green. And may aliens smite you with big sticks and build a super laser in your back yard. Enjoy the contest, and long live Emperors Kodos and Kang!