-INsi QUOTE of the MONTH War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace ” Thomas Mann (1875-1955) June 1, 1993 The Douglas College Newsletter D.C. people talk fitness We think about it, talk about it, even try to do it sometimes, but most of us have trouble fitting fitness into our schedules. It’s summertime, and opportunities for ex- ercise are boundless. With the hope of inspiring others to take up the challenge, the INside asked a few people around the College how they stay fit. Here’s what they said. @:: Driver, Print Shop S long as I can, usually from March to October, I like to cycle for fresh air, exer- cise and the fun," says Arnie, who averages 5,000 kilometres in one season. He began cycling with a trip to Hope, and has since travelled to Winnipeg, into On- tario and the USA and has even toured China. And his own personal record: "I’ve done 1,000 kilometres in 68 hours." Jeff McDonald, Public Information Office "T like to lift weights 3 times a week and use the Stairmaster at the Canada Games Pool," says Jeff, who also hikes and cy- cles. "I believe that fitness helps you be better at just about everything you do, physically and mentally." Debbie McFadyen, Foundation Office Debbie attends Douglas College fitness classes 3 times a week, swims twice a week, plays tennis, and jogs every Satur- 2 morning with a friend. "I believe you ve to be highly organized and work at being organized to fit fitness into your schedule," she says. Her own personal Access to employment for people with disabilities Students from the Micrographics option in Douglas College's Basic Occupational Education (BOE) program are working at practicums In the Card Services Division of the Bank of Montreal in downtown Vancouver. Seen here (I to r) are BOE Technician Dana Sova and students Michael Fong and Peter Moschopoulos. The BOE program provides vocational skill training for adults with special learning needs. philosophy: "You need a balance in your life. Being fit makes you feel good and in turn makes everything around you much better." Margaret Zucht, Community Programs & Services In the winter months, Margaret keeps busy by curling. "Only curlers know how much exercise it takes to curl," she says. "For exercise, relaxation and fun I like to walk. I walk every lunch hour around the hills in New Westminster. On the week- ends I walk with my daughter and husband. I like to walk the seawall. I like to work around my house and then I have to take a walk to stop myself from working." Fitness continued on page 2 inside INside... Presidents Report .............. Zz Hungary partnerships stronger... . 3 College Briefs........ (ae 8 Questionnaires,.......... 4 Psych Nursing program praised... 4 Events Calendar....... Des 5 INSide Zone... ce. 6