MAD HATTER 2 = ss — Douglas College Bands Winners Douglas College recently hosted the Canadian Concert Band Festival and at the same time the Stage Band Festival was at Expo. Three Douglas College bands, directed by Blair Fisher, partici- pated in these events and finished with excellent results. The Douglas College Jazz Band I, made up of Douglas College music students, alumni and community members, won the gold medal in the Jazz Band Open Community competition. The Douglas College Jazz Band Il received favourable scores of 88% and 90% in Class 1A competition, The Douglas College Concert Band, with both Douglas College students and community members, won a silver medal in the Class 6 competition which is the highest levet - of difficulty. These bands were competing against the regional finalists from across Canada. I would like to congral tulate Blair and all band members for their great success. Gordon Gilgan Intramurals Our staff and faculty team (some staff - no faculty) came third in the "fun & games" part of this semester's competition and we are now sporting beautiful white ball hats in time for ball season. Not everyone was keen on nerf broomball, balloon volleyball and floor hockey which replaced the highly competitive ball hockey we generally back to vicious, brutal highly competitive ball hockey. Have a marvelous summer, everyone! Enjoy Expo, the Space Station, Seattle - or whatever is your pleasure and I'll be back in September. Betty Lou Hayes P.S. Do we have anyone in the College who would be interested in putting together a women's soccer team for a one tournament event held at Malaspina October 4th and 5th? O (Let Betty Lou at local 5338 know!) Athletic Update Douglas College captured the 1985- 86 Aggregate Award with a total of 33.8 points. Capilano College followed with 29.3 putting the 1984-85 winner, Cariboo College, in third place with 24 points. To win this award a college must not only compete in a wide variety of sports but also excel in several in order to amass enough points to bring home the trophy. This trophy is a beautiful three foot high carved Totem pole which is presently residing in Gerry DellaMattia's | office. I know that he would welcome all interested admirers. Coaches and athletes alike both deserve a great deal of praise for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. I particularly want to thank the faculty and staff who provided many of the opportunities for our student-athletes to compete during this academic year - - as well as attend the National Championships in March. To All College Personnel I will be away from the College for the period May 26 through June 6th, returning to the office Monday, June 9. I will be attending the Association of Canadian Community Colleges Conference in Calgary during the first week, and a Council of Principals meeting plus the B.C. Association of Colleges Annual Meeting, in Penticton, during the second week. During my absence, Bill Morfey will be Acting: College President. Bill Day