Tae continued from Page I. i. The governance system acts in an advisory capacity to the College Administration and Board, not in a decision-making or executive capacity. Having restated this conclusion, I also wish to state that such advice is crucial to rational decision-making and, as such, is increasingly relevant. . The membership of governance committees must allow for the expression of views from all constituent groups to the responsible admnistrator. 3. The administrative and governance structures are parallel. This parallelism demands effective communication practices within and between the two systems. 4. The existing structure will be maintained. The College Educational Policy and Planning Committee will remain as the senior College Education Committee. The divisional curriculum and planning committees will continue as will the departmental curriculum and planning committees. The Threshold Committee and the College Curriculum Coordinating Committee will also remain. 1 accept the Review Committee's finding that there are operational problems in all committees beyond the department level. There will be changes made to render these committees more effective and efficient in the future, in line with these recommendations: - role statements will be rewritten and clarified for all governance committees, including appropriate recourse for participants when cause can be demonstrated. - levels of authority will be clarified. - operational procedures will be clarified. William L. Day, President February 10, 1986 Requests for Conversion Requests for conversion forms are being distributed by Chairmen/Directors to each discipline. These forms are to be completed and returned to the Chairmen/Directors no later than February 24, 1986. The Committee will begin to consider requests as they are received and will submit its report to the College President by March 15, 1986. Gordon Gilgan, Dean of Academic Programs