Mad Hatter Page 20. THE DOUGLAS COLLEGE HUMANITTES INSTITUTE This énatétute has been established, at the qrass-roots levee, by a small qroup of humanities (natructors who feel both that humanities ¢s being undervalued én our contemporary society and also that humanities has something very special to offer. We hope the College and community will support our endeavour, 1985 MAJOR EVENTS - al without charge DAY DATE TIME EVENT LOCATION Thurs. 14 Feb. | 12.30-2.00 | "NICARAGUA" (Sporsoned by the Moderan Languages p.m. | and Political Science Disciplines) - | Lecture Mr. Stuart Rush, Vancouver Zawyer, Canadian i Thea tia observer of Nicaraguan elections. Verbal ana 2291 slide presentation, and discusstan Thats. 2& Feb. | 12.30-2.00 | Mar. Jack Seatt, author of Four Walls in the west, p.m. | and a former Douglas Coffeqe French student, Roam 3302 will speak on his nesearch and uniting this history of the B.C. Penitentiary Friday | 1 March | &.00 p.m. Mt. Jack Scott will again aive his presentation, | Lecture as above Theati2 | 220] Thurs. | 14 March 12.36-2.00 | French-Canadian Fotk Song - Discussion and | Foote p.m. | performance - Monique Jutnras ae | (seonsoned by the Modern Languages Discipline 0091 and Simon Fraser University] Thurs. | 7 March | 12.30-2.00 | Dr. Edwin Levy, Philosopher, UBL Lactuae p.m. | "Is This Stuff Dangerous?” Ethical Concerns Thectre About the Public Use of Seternce £203 Thun, 26 March) 12.30-2.00 | "Sartre and de Reauvoin" - pom. | Pancl: Manie-Clairze Chinniah, Tim Davies, Lecture Ratph Stanton Theatre [sponsored by the Library, Modern Languages 2205 and Philcsophy Discivlines } Thurs. | 28 March! &.00-10.90 | "Simone de Beauvoti" - American Film Festival, | Lecture p.m. | 1982, French with English subtitles Theatre 2703 Thurs. | 11 Apnriel 12.30-2.00 | "Mozart and the Creative Process” | Lecture p.m. | Kevin Batrington-Foote Theatre (Sponsored by the Music Piseripline) 2203 (on