MAD HATTER PAGE 4 probably result in a small but helpful adjustment in the favour of the College. I attended a well organized meeting of school district commsellors at the Cen- tennial Lodge in New Westminster. There was much interest evidenced in prospects for new college programs and especially, the new physical facilities in New West- minster. Meetings are continuing on the them of lower mainland rationalization of post- secondary activities, I will be keeping the Board informed in detail in this re- gard. Messrs. MacIver and Thompson of the Min- istry of Education, paid an informal vis- it to the College on May 6 and met with the Deans, Pursar and myself to discuss the current Ministry proposals for 5- Year Planning and Missions and Goals of the Post-Secondary System. Mrs. Chute was able to attend on behalf of the Col- lege Board, and will report separately on this matter. Mr. MacIver, who has Gone most of the staff work on the sub- ject, demonstrated his awareness of the sensitivities that have been aroused by the Ministry draft document. Since that time, a similar meeting has occurred with the Council of Principals which I was not able to attend. Unfortunately, that meeting seems to have been marked by a considerable amount of dissension among the principals of the colleges and institutes. This would seem to indicate the need for verv active varticivation by the Board at the forthcominc BCAC Con- ference. on the assumtion that this doc- ument will be under review and debate. At the reauest of Mr. Shuttleworth of the Ministrv of Education, I worked with T. Leonard, H. Naylor, and H. Andrews, on the preparation of a six year Capital forecast for the new building, based on our existing educational plans, and an assumption of certain new programs being added to the College in the future. Mr. Morfey has reviewed these forecasts, and they have been sent to the Ministry. The Capital forecast contained in our 5-Year Plan will supersede these, should changes be necessary. Through the good offices of Mr. Art Sweet, I had a pleasant meeting with him and Dr. Mary Lyons, District Superintendent of Schools of New Westminster. Dr. Lyons foresees an increasing amout of collabora- tion and interaction with the College, and a meeting of senior administrators will be arranged at her initiative in the near fu- ture. I attended the graduation ceremonies of Kwantlen College on Saturday, May 15. It was a pleasure to represent Douglas College at the first official graduation of Kwant- len. The graduation was meticulously or- ganized, and carried off with style. It reflected well on the present and future prospects of Kwantlen. Cc. Internal Matters - Education Development The 5-Year Plan is evolving well, and with increasing speed. All Chapters are now in draft form, and are being reviewed by Mr, Robert Scott, of the English and Con munications Department, who has been con- tracted as staff writer. Mr. Scott as- sures us that he will be able to translate our language into English. I expect that the College Board will have a draft copy of the plan in their hands within the month. I attended a full meeting of the Nursing Faculty, in order to share with them my impressions of current and future devel- opments in Nursing Education in the Prov- ince. From my’ point of view, it was a pleasant and productive meeting. Mr. Red- mond, Mary Fewster, and I met with a rep- resentative of the Registered Nurses As- sociation of B.C., in order to discuss that Association's stance regarding nurs- es training, and Douglas College's role. The R.N.A.B.C. is pushing very actively