COLLEGE GOVERNANCE The College Governance Steering Committse would welcome written comments from in- dividuals and Groups regarding suggestions ana responses relating to Bil] Day's Governance "White Paper", which was r= cently circulated. Please addrass all Such cecuments to Ed Redmond's office. June 8, 1981 DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY S Mad Hatter Page 1 Notice Due to popular demand, che MAD HATTER will once again be published weekly. 7 cep 3 _ B.C. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES’ UNION PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CAREER PLANNING WORKSHOP Douglas College/Xwant len College Personne} Jevelopment Committee is aleased fO announce the nex: workshop in its series of events Dlanned for staff develooment, Sheliy Somerville, Educaciona! Planner 3t Richmond Campus will be leading a workshop on Career Planning. The workshop will cover the Following areas: Participants will Yearn Now they can focus in on whar they wish to Oursue In 4a career - courses, aptitude and interest testing, resource materials, etc. shelly will Guide the grouse through Career Drograssion within the College as well as outside the “College ang wilt discuss ways of making resources, experiances (pase and present) work for us in heloing US acnieve individual career gcals, The workshop will be held on JUNE 6, 1981 (SATURDAY) from 9:30 am to 12:30 om I] in the Surrey Soardroom of Kwantlen Co ge. Plan to attend chis workshop and glean tios and soincers to help you meet your career alans and asoirations. La I =