Monday, December 17, 1979 c eben’ t TO: STAFF, FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATORS ~ ve" ARCHIVES May I take this Opportunity to thank you for your Support during the recent months and to wish you the very best during the Christmas Holidays and throughout the New Year. Oe Reg Pridham JOINT COMMITTEES As a result of the just-completed negotiations, a number of joint committees have been formed. Membership is as follows: TIME RELEASE ee Ian Brooks Dave Driscoll Roy Duggan Bob Lowe Lorna Kirkham Ken Moore Al Lawson Reg Pridham OBSOLESCENCE/REDUNDANCY AND TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE Terry Farrell Bill Day Ann Frost Leo Hungle Hendrick Persad David Williams CONVERSION David James Andy Andrews Fran Johnson Bob Lisson George Porges Don Porter Diana Wegner Marilyn Smith FACULTY PERFORMANCE Barbara Boehm Gordon Gilgan Geoff Dean Ann Kitching Lynn Leavens Maureen Shaw If you have any ideas or concerns on these topics, please contact any member who will bring your input to the committee concerned. mints os Reg Pridham