THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the svring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. 2503, New Westminster, B.C. Editor: Melanie Falcon, Surrey Campus 588-4411 Local 283 Notice Board TAL ASSISTING PROGRAM The dental assisting program is pleased to announce that all 23 students have passed the provincial licensing examination. The students’ graduation ceremony on Thurs- day, January 25 was a very pleasant evening for all. The faculty is disappointed that individual graduation ceremonies will no longer take place. Douglas Starrett, Referral Officer, Ministry of Labour, will speak to students in the Surrey Campus Cafeteria, on Thursday, Feb. 8th from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Applications for the summer youth employment program will be available. ~ The Drama department will be sponsoring an evening of entertainment Feb. 24, to celebrateg Community Theatre Week. Entertainment will consist of a one-act play and skits performed by Drama students. Liquid refreshments will be available. Remember the date: Feb. 24 at 8 pm in the Surrey Campus student lounge. For further information, call Dorothy Jones, NW 262. Douglas College Day Care Centre has openings NOW for children ages 3 to 5. We are located right on campus. Come in and see us...or call 588-4411, local 217. WE'RE MOVING: As the Continuing Education office moves from the Surrey Campus to the Coquitlam Campus, we would like to thank all of our friends at Surrey for their hospitality and help over the years and invite them to come and visit us in our new home at Coquitlam. We will be arriving and 'open for business' at Coquitlam on February 5. We will be loc- ated in the Residence II Building, telephone, 525-9211. Eileen Bowcott Lillian Bullach Jim Doerr Marj Gueho Marion James Gerri Phillips Barbara Thorn Alisen Watson On the outside... "NEW ROOTS" AT SFU Kay Carney, actress, director and teacher, will present the Canadian premiere of "New Roots: an off off-Broadway productions by 11 new American playwrights. Ina lively interaction between actress and audience, she recreates. the vitality of those writers through the performance of their earliest works. The program includes excerpts from Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar, Megan Terry's Viet Rock, Sam Shepard's Red Cross, and the entire one-act play Dr. Kheal by Maria Irene Fornes. Kay Carney has toured her one-woman show "New Roots" to London, Paris, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and throughout the United States. Tickets to "New Roots" are $4 general, $2 students and are available from the Vancouver ticket Centre (683-3255). For further information telephone the SFU Theatre Box Office at 291-3514. OR_ SALE Complete Home Darkroom. Omega B66 pro lab enlarger. Finest of accessories, books, etc. Will sell as unit or separately. $500 or best offer. 937-9656, Nora Minogue.