I alii ila ni i ah ante he et oe PO RITES OFT ee Bee PT eR ODPL LE LTT OE EES a f LETTER TO MRS. SONYA VAN NIEKERK (Cont day experiences we have had. I have to admit that my first reactton was one of almost disbelief that a 2-year college could present such a profes- stonal exhibit. Onee I was convinced that tt was happening I felt ltke thumping my chest with pride that I could assoctate myself tn a small way with Douglas College. From what I have been told and from personal observation, tt was apparent that you played a major role in di- recting the total production. How- ever, as you acknowledged, and I know from expertence that tt ts always the case, you had access to a great store of talent and to people who were de- termined to display Douglas to the publie in a favourable ltght. May I request that you convey to the appropriate people, and accept for yourself, my thanks on behalf of the Board of Douglas College for making us all look so good. Stncerely, (stgned) S. d. Graham Member Douglas College Board Board" See oS Re WINE AND CHEESE PARTY TOs ALL FACULTY AND STAFF FROM: John Yates From May 26 until July 4 there will be approxtmately fifty Quebecots students at Douglas College, Surrey Campus participating in the Engltsh Immersion Program. A good oppor- tunity to meet these students and welcome them to B.C. will be the Wine and Cheese party to be held on FRIDAY, MAY 30 at 8:00 p.m. in the Student Lounge, Surrey. Everyone ts tnvited to come and enjoy a glass of wine, some music and danetng and a chance to greet our vtsttors from Quebec. Wine & beer tickets will be avatlable. COLLEGE-WIDE TESTING? AND “° COL-ECE RESEARCH CONNITTEE, ARCHIVES The College-Wide Testing and Research Committee ts searching for a faculty member who has in- terest tn Testing and Research to serve on that Committee for the next year. The Commtttee's mandate ts to provide asststance in research at the College and also to protect students' rights when students are asked to parttetpate tn projects that involve standardized testing. If you are tnterested tn serving on thts Committee, please get tn touch with Dave Ayers on the Windslow Campus. Me a Ne PLACEMENT OF ITEMS ON RESERVE FOR FALL 1980 £Oe ALL INSTRUCTORS FROM: Jantce Frtesen, Systems and Ctreulatton Ltbrartan If you would like to have material placed on Ltbrary Reserve for Fall 1980, please submit a REQUEST FOR RESERVE form by June 12 to the Reserve Asststant on your campus. Check the microcatalogue to deter- mine tf the ttem ts avatlable in the system. We have had dtfftculty tn the past with Reserve requests for materials that are not owned by the Ltbrary. If you wish us to purchase an ttem for Reserve, please be aware that the average delivery time ts stx months and we are, therefore not able to guarantee a date for placement on Reserve. It ts helpful tf you let us know how to reach you during the Summer, for we will report to you tf problems are encountered. If your request ts submitted after August 11, we wtll not guarantee placement by the begtnning of the Fall semester. Ws oe eae I ae