Right Hook MAWO'’'s Africa Campaign Hits a New Low JJ McCullough, OP Columnist lL, you're a left-winger, you inevitably have to accept the fact that some of your beliefs will bring you into the company of some very unusual bedfellows. For example, if you believe the United States should withdraw all of their troops from Iraq post-haste, then you will likewise have to make peace with the fact that this is also the position favored by al-Sadr, Bin Laden, and all other fundamentalist extremists of their ilk. This is not a partisan slander, it is simply a fact. Now, a great many Liberals are honestly troubled by collusions of this sort, and rightfully so. Thus we get elaborate justifications and clarifications; statements that one can in fact “support the troops” but not the war, and oppose extremists even while appeasing their demands. This philosophy is perhaps muddled, but well-meaning none-the-less. At the same time there is also another sector of the left. One so firmly and dogmatically affixed to the darkest nether-regions of socialist ideology that they will not only appease their extremist bedfellows, but actively embrace them. The MAWO (or “Mobilization against War and Occupation”) people would be easy to ignore if they weren’t so omnipresent. I will at least give them kudos for a brilliant propaganda campaign. It seems like I can hardly walk down a college or university hallway or stand at a bus stop without coming across some manifestation of their latest low-budget Xerox poster campaign, promoting another endless cycle of forums, protests, and seminars. More than any other group they represent the clearest voice of the far-far-left in our contemporary community, serving as a clear and troubling reminder just how dangerous this ideology can be. It is breathtaking to observe the lengths this group will go-to blindly oppose all things western/capitalist/ American, and in turn the degree in which they will gleefully embrace some of the most reactionary allies imaginable, so long as some abstract socialist point is vaguely adhered to. MAWO is a fan of telling us to take our “hands off” various countries. Usually it’s some communist country like Cuba or Venezuela, whose socialist tyrants they want to protect. But they’ve also demanded we take our hands off Iraq and Afghanistan, and now, in a new A frica-centric campaign, they are demanding “hands off Sudan” and “hands off Somalia.” To understand the context of these latest specific slogans, it may be worthwhile to recount the recent history of both sub-Saharan countries. First, Sudan. For the last half- decade or, Sudan’s Arab majority has been engaged in an active campaign of Photo credit: www.mawovancouver.org systematic slaughter of the nation’s black minority. To date, over 400,000 human beings have been hacked, slashed, and raped beyond recognition by the roving Arab militias; groups which are in turn actively backed by Sudan’s corrupt military dictatorship. All of this bloodletting has understandably offended the sensibilities of people in the west, many of whom still bear guilty consciences over our collective indifference to the gruesome Rwandan genocide of the early 1990s. There has been much talk of sending UN peacekeepers to Sudan in an attempt to straighten out the mess, but the Sudanese government will have none of it. The dictator of the Sudanese Republic, a foolish, racist bigot named Field Marshal al-Bashir, flew into an anti-Semitic rage the last time the idea was proposed. A UN peacekeeping mission was merely a front for the Israelis to take control of his country, he yelled. When asked to explain the phenomenon of widespread Sudan-awareness campaigns that have sprung up all across the west, the Field Marshall similarly dismissed them as imperialistic “Jewish organizations.” Given these facts, which side would you choose to support? Well MAWO has chosen to support Mr. al-Bashir and his bloodthirsty militias. Is untamed genocide still preferable to western boots on African land? Situation two is Somalia. Since 1994, Somalia has had no effective government to speak of, only civil war, violent anarchy, and an ever-declining standard of living. In the absence of a working state, a number of thuggish groups have sought to secure warlord rule over the capital in order to further consolidate their own tribal power plays. In late 2006, Mogadishu was captured by a particularly unpleasant gang known as the Islamic Courts Union. Heavily inspired by the Taliban in both theology and governance style, the ICU seeks to transform Somalia into the most fundamentalist of fundamentalist Islamic states. During their brief tenure in power we saw a glimpse of this, as they decreed all sorts of deranged religious priorities. Soccer was banned, beards were made mandatory for men, and public stonings were reintroduced as a part of the judicial system. Like most fanatical Muslim organizations, the ICU is also of the belief that most existing national borders are meaningless, and should be replaced by religiously defined super-empires. Thus, according to the ICU, the part of the world that is presently divided into Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia should be reformed into a gigantic Islamic caliphate of “Greater Somalia.” And there are no prizes for guessing who would be running shat. The largely Christian nation of neighboring Ethiopia understandably feared what this sort of rhetoric would mean for their own national security. So, shortly after Christmas, the Ethiopian army invaded Somalia, deposing the Islamists after just a few months in power. Ethiopia is hardly a country without sins of its own, but most of the international community was nevertheless in agreement that the overthrow of a gang of expansionist, Al-Qaeda- sympathizing terrorist fanatics was probably in everyone’s best interests. MAWO disagrees of course. To them, the Islamists are the true heroes of this story—presumably because they have suffered at the hands of those ever- present demons of the far left: Christians and western powers. An Islamist-run Somalia is preferable simply on the basis that western powers don’t approve of it. This is the same reason why the MAWO folks will tolerate other fascist rulers like al-Bashir in Sudan, the Taliban in Afghanistan, and Saddam in Iraq. The enemy of my enemy is always, avays my friend. If 100 years ago, you were to propose that in the future an ostensibly Marxist organization would be willfully allying itself with some of the most fundamentalist, reactionary, fascist religious groups on the planet, you would likely have been jeered and mocked for offering such a ridiculous premise. It is a testament to just how thoroughly ideologically bankrupt the so-called socialist movement of today is that this is now precisely what we are seeing. People may dismiss members of MAWO as a mostly harmless gang of overzealous extremists, but more than that, I think they serve as a truly disturbing case study of the strange places ideological dogmatism can take you, if left unchecked for too long, Pg7