fs __ INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / OCTOBER 2, 1990 Humanities Institute Group Advising Sessions Schedule All sessions start promptly at times advertised and are approximate- ly 11/2 - 2 hours in length. Sessions are free and pre-registration is not required. All sessions are held at the New Westminster campus unless otherwise stated. Fall Schedule Room 220. 3 (Lecture Theatre) OCTOBER 1-5 4:15 p.m. Early Childhood Education Programs ............ Monday, October 1 1000 hours Room 4221A Heather Wednesday, October 10 Child & Youth Care Counsellor Program .......... Tuesday, October 2 _ (full-time & part-time) 0830 hours “Aboriginal Rights — At the Room 4221A Crossroads” — Kirk Ritchie aes First-Year Science - University Transfer ........... Tuesday, October 2 Including major requirements and 1630 hours pre-entry requirements for Room 3820 professional programs Heather Wednesday, November 7 Visual Language Interpreter Training Program ...... Wednesday, October 3 “ , : . 1400 h Is Sexism Alive and Well in the Room 4223 90's?” — Liz Wilson Georgina Developmental Education, College Preparation, ....... Thursday, October 4 Developmental Studies, General Studies 0830 hours Grade 12 equivalency/completion Room 4221 Lorraine Wednesday, November 28 Criminology - Career and University .............. Friday, October 5 “Education in the United Arab Tenia Eger to be Emirates” — Gerry Della Mattia Georgina Office Administration << > = 22 6 om | Ses Sb te ws Friday, October 5 Certificate Programs 1400 hours : Room 3825 Please announce these presentations Vinda to your class. The Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology is accepting resumes for a staff position in Jakarta, Indonesia. Responsibility Reporting to the Project Director, the Educa- tional Resource Centre Coordinator is responsible for the organization and administration of the Canadian Education Resource Centre (CERC) that provides information on universities, colleges and other institutions involved in training in Canada. Qualifications © Post-graduate university degree Staff Position -— Jakarta, Indonesia ® Overseas experience © Experience with international trainees e Experience in developing training programs @ Computer skills (especially DBase Management) | ¢ Awareness of the college and university environment | in Canada | Previous team work Strong interpersonal skills Anyone interested in this position can get a copy of the job description from Jan Gara, Centre for International Education, Room 1727, phone 5006. | | = 1