"LET'S TALK IT OVER'! We are revising the format for the ''Let's Talk It Over'' dis- cussion sessions. While it served a useful purpose last semester, we are aware that it could be much improved. — We will be meeting on: Surrey Campus First Wednesday of each month in the Surrey Board Room New Westminster Campus | Second Wednesday of each month in the A & B half of the 4-Room Complex Richmond Campus Third Wednesday of each month in Room 105. The time will be from 3 - SPM. Discussions on the actual for- mat of the sessions are now under way and will be published later. Jim McIntosh Public Information TRRRER RRR RA Pe oo oh oo oe ppp oe fp Sp ee LLESE LIBRARY: BROHIVES A Short Story by Dave Williams Heigh ho! Heigh ho! An Improbable Tale of Modern Britain Bert Clog stretched comfortably in front of the blazing fire, as he watched the Prime Minister's beaming face on the telly. "I think I'll go to work tomorrow," he said. The End ERRERER BA A AA Pee Ne de oo Je oe eae op +++FOREIGN STUDENTS+++ Interested in: 1. Conversation? 2. Meeting others? 3. Discussion? MEET IN ROOM 201 (COUNSELLING) NEW WESTMINSTER CAMPUS JANUARY 31, FROM 12:00 to 1:00 LOST & FOUND There are several articles in. the Lost & Found (Located in the Administration Office) which have not been claimed. If you have lost something, please check the Lost & Found. We have umbrellas, textbooks, pocketbooks, notebooks, jackets and miscellaneous items. Articles unclaimed by January 30th, 1974 will be donated to a charitable organization or destroyed Ole V. Nielsen, Campus Supervisor New Westminster Campus