v M3 ninhs + 4 I EGE LIBRA rOCHIVES AALMIVES GVRD CITIZEN'S POLICY COMMITTEES Since last spring a number of faculty members have played an active part on these committees. The final reports and recommendations are now being presented to the GVRD Planning Committee, chaired by Mayor Art Phillips of Vancouver, One of the basic concerns which has been expressed by a number of the committees is the need for "grass roots" citizen involvement in the planning and management of land, water and related natural resources, This in turn requires lines of communication between.citizens and the various levels and departments of government responsible for resource man- agement. The following diagram outlines the proposal made by the Recreation Committee and Environmental Management Policy Committee to meet this need. : REGIONAL DISTRICT PIGV... GOVE. oe Municipalities Reg. Land and Water Mgt. Advisory Board Watershed Region River Board Community Area BR a, Agricultural Area Committee Committee It should be noted that this is not an attempt to impose yet another bureaucratic: structure upon the Lower Mainland. The government officials required at various levels already exist. So do many community groups concerned with environmental quality. What is new is the communications system for an exchange of ideas and information.