Secwépemce authors to host talk at Douglas College (¥ Making interesting NPCs (¥ Links between indigenous and academic communities explored in new book (¥ Good house-guesting And more! > Links between indigenous and academic communities explored in new book Greg Waldock Staff Writer arriane Ignace and Chief Ronald Ignace, professor and adjunct professor respectively at SFU, will be hosting a talk on Secwépemc or Shuswap uniquely comprehensive examination of Secwépemc tradition and history, being both an academic and personal look at a growing, living culture. The talk will take place Thursday March 29, from 2:30 to 4:50 p.m. in the Indigenous Gathering Place at Douglas College. It will be free and open to students and the general public, so come out and enjoy this fascinating look into some local anthropology, as well as learn something about your Indigenous community. culture and laws at Douglas College. The talk will examine Secwépemc culture in a modern context, and will be based on their new book, Secwépemce People, Land, and Laws: Yeri7 re Stsq’ey’s-kucw. The book is a €€ The book is a uniquely comprehensive examination of Secwépemce tradition and history...” Marianne Ignace and Ronald E. Ignace SECWEPEMC PEOPLE. em Douglas College a ee uae Eg ice SS ee eRe ss utr i DePagy ae Loe alte eur La Aha ea Ler te 4 ate ey Stsqeys-kucw Yeri7 re § a aD, AND LAWS YL ae E37 Ba Li Cover of “Secwépemc People, Land, and Laws’ Photo of Marianne Ignace and Ronald E. Ignace via SFU