All Douglas College Students are invited to participate in your Students’ Union’s Annual General Meeting When: March 11, 2009 4:30pm Where: Room 2201, New Westminster Campus Agenda 1. Meeting called to order 2. Ratification of Speaker 3. Introduction and Voting Procedures 4. Approval of Agenda 5. Approval of AGM Minutes (November 28, 2007 & March 12, 2008) 6. Appointment of Auditors 7.1 Motion i.) BIRT Tompkins, Wozny, Miller & Co. be appointed as the auditors of the Douglas Students’ Union for the fiscal year ending August 2009. 7. Financial Update from Marne Jensen, Receiver-Manager 8. Motions 8.1 Motion to Amend or Delete Bylaws i) BIRT Bylaw VI, Section 2a) be amended to read: Your Voice. 2a) Executive officers comprised of the following: i) | College Relations Coordinator ii) | David Lam Campus Coordinator Your Vote iii) External Relations Coordinator ® iv) Internal Relations Coordinator 4 Treasurer ii) BIRT Bylaw VI, Section 2b) be amended to read: 2b) a bia ake pa i) avid Lam Campus Member-at-Large (1) ii New Westminster Campus Member-at-Large (2) iii) BIRT Bylaw VI, Section 2.b)i) be deleted; and BIFRT the remaining sections be renumbered accordingly. iv) BIRT Bylaw VI, Section 3.a) be amended to read: “Representative Committee members shall hold of ce from May 1 to April 30.” v) BIRT Bylaw VI, Section 3.b)iii) be amended to read: “the date, time and location of the mandatory All- Candidates’ Forum.” vi) BIRT Bylaw VI, Section 4.g) be amended to read: “The minutes of meetings of the Representative eee shall be made available in the students’ union offices and on the students’ union’s website.” vii) BIRT Bylaw VII, Section 5.d) be deleted. viii) BIRT Bylaw XI, Duties of Ombudsperson, be deleted. ix) BIRT Bylaw VI, Section 2.b)i) be deleted; and BIFRT the remaining sections be renumbered accordingly. x) BIRT Bylaw VII, Section 4.i) be deleted. x1) BIRT Bylaw Vil, Section 5.a) be amended to read: “Nominees for all positions shall limit their ans to the period between the close of nominations and the close of porting. ff xii) BIRT Bylaw VII, Section 5.a) be amended to read: “Nominees shall ensure that all their campaign information is removed from polling areas, as specified by the Electoral Committee, not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the commencment of polling.” xiii) BIRT Bylaw IX, Section 5 be deleted. xiv) BIRT all references to “society” or “association” be replaced with “Union”. xv) BIRT Bylaw Ill, Section 3 be amended to read: “The membership fee shall be $64.37 per member per semester, and shall be pro-rated for part-time students.” xvi) BIRT Bylaw III, Section 8 be deleted; and, BIFRT Bylaw III, Section 7 be amended to read: “The membership fee shall be adjusted...”; and, BIFRT the remaining sections be renumbered accordingly. xvii) BIRT Bylaw VII, Section 4.i) and j) be deleted and replaced, respectively, with: i) David Lam Campus Coordinator Only members taking at least fifty percent (50%) of their course load at the David Lam Campus shall be eligible to run at this position. ii) David Lam Campus Member-at-Large Only members taking at least fifty percent (50%) of their course load at the David Lam Campus shall be eligible to run at this position. xviii) BIRT Bylaw VII, Section 5 and 6 both be deleted and replaced, respectively, with: 6. David Lam Campus Coordinator i) shall be the liaison between the Students’ Union and the members at the David Lam Campus; ii) shall oversee the operations of the Students’ Union’s David Lam office and may assist in the running of that office; iii) shall be responsible for keeping the Representative Committee informed of issues arising at the David Lam Campus which pertain to the activities of the Union; iv) shall sit on at least two (2) committee; and v) shall perform other duties as assigned by the Representative Committee. 7. David Lam Campus Member-at-Large i) shall assist the David Lam Campus Coordinator in fulfilling her duties; ii) shall sit on at least two (2) committees; and iil) shall perform other duties as assigned by the Representative Committee. 9. Adoption of 2008 Audited Financial Statements 10. 2008-2009 Annual Report 11. Question and Answer Period For more information, contact the Douglas Students’ Union.