Nov. 10, 1986 Page 6 The Other Press Other Editorials Bus-tration Well here I go again to write another block bust- ing editorial. Who can I attack this time. A_politi- cian, a teacher, or maybe even the D.C.S.S. Nah, they all desrve a_ break for a change. It’s time for another one on good old B.C. Transit. As we all know, B.C. Transit is pissing us off. Well now I think that they are going out of their way to piss us off. For example: If you take the 147 (New West Station) for Lougheed Mall at 9:30 am. you still have to pay $1.55 to get to New West, even though you don’t cross the zone boundary until 9:35. In the D.C.S.S. office there is a petition to B.C. Transit requesting that students receive reduced fares, please sign it (even if you do have a car). If you don’t feel like signing a petition, I’ve found an alternative. Go to the Sky train Station, there you . will find a transit informa- tion computer. In __ that terminal there is a transit survey. All you have to do is complete the survey a couple of times, rating the fare system very poorly. | Well my block busting bitchin’ editorial is almost done. In a closing remark, I would like to request that the letters which we have been getting keep coming. For you persons out there who haven’t written; all I can say is gett off your ass and get them in. Have a nice day! Sigma W OH * Tm Brian THE TORY-MAN I WEAR BLUE WHENEVER [ CAN, T SPEND. YOUR TAX MONEY, @67 AND THINK LIBERALS ARE FUNNY I'm Beian THE WP LS Py Tory-MAN Toot-Toor / we Mes Hollywood North * As you. might have heard, the movie industry in B.C. has’ begun to somewhat “boom” in our province. In fact, last year over 70 million dollars was pumped into our economy via this lucrative business. Vancouver. is now referred to as “Hollywood North” and the film and _ technical crews are all made up of 95% local people. The ta- lent of the local movie makers has now reached the point where the quality of their work. is now a_ sought after comodity by our southern friends. Question: Would it not seem intelligent to stimu- Other Oh Douglas College’s Autonomous ed abetth Newspaper late this industry which could lead us to the better economical stability —_in B.C. by creating jobs and bringing money into the province? Answer: Obviously not! Not suprisingly, our beloved (not to mention easternistic) national gov- ernment has decided to heavily tax the American film makers coming to B.C. who are __ taking advantage of our em- barassingly weak — curr- ency. The 15% witholding tax placed on all foreign film crews (and actors) has already showed it’s detrimental effects to the industry here. It may even drive the so-called “American Action” — el- sewhere, thus _ strangling this very young, poten- tially successful business. EEEeeeekk! Reviewing your mid- term in class doesn’t seem like an exciting event for most Douglas College students, but lask week our class recieved an un- expected guest. A small mouse came running down the wall of the classroom, at which time the instructor frightened it back above the ceiling tiles. How many more mice — are hibernating above the heads of Douglas students. True, it was a relatively small mouse, but the odds of it being the only nouse running the campus are minimal. The College should look into the situation, acting in any way that they see fit to alleviate Douglas of these uncaged nuisances. A concerned student It is hard to accept the notion of Americans com- ing here to exploit our cheep labour and unstable economic atmosphere, but tremendous _ gains could be possible for B.C. Now, with the new film studios located at _ the Dominion Bridge site, we have the facilities to mount a_ strong multi- million dollar industry ourselves in the near fu- ture, without the Ameri- cans. Why not make use of the opportunity the U.S. film makers have given us to train and create a strong provincial film making work force, then turn around and use this newly gained know- ledge to prosper as a true “Hollywood North” should. Darren Trenchard Bill nulls Blank Dear Bob Blank, In your letter from the last issue, you mentioned that Bob Skelly’s nervous- ness was due to media pressure. One quality of a good politician is his ability to open up their lives to the scrutiny of the media. If one can’t cope with the pressures of the media, they shouldn’t be in politics. For example, Bill Van- der Zalm can face the media and beat them. He realized that you can’t hide from the media, you have to face them. You said that, “if you think every dog is going to bite, you will be scared of dogs.” in my spectrum of knowledge, Mr. Skelly hasn’t once entered So- Cred domain. He _ keeps his visits to NDP strong- holds, where he can get his ego filled and he can expout all of his com- ments in a safe area. Whereas’ Bill Vander Zalm has the guts to go into NDP strongholds and face the music rather than hide and take a powder break. Bob Skelly seems to make promises left, right and centte. While _ Bill seems to make not quite a great deal of promises, I’m certain he will keep the ones he does make. If the NDP does get in to power, then I am sure the unions will suddenly get what ‘they always wanted: a government in _ their pockets. I’m not. saying unions are a bad _ thing, but with power they can become obnoxious and over confident. If that does happen then B.C. can kiss it’s ass good bye and claim to be the illegit- imate twin of Britain. It may seem like a_ far fetched idea, but if Skelly does get in, then it is a highly probable reality. Bill Null Other Press room (under the door) [efter