Page 10 November 12, 1985 cv. oe seasons ' ORS et access ok pe ThA, SOTO S 8 Sie tee 8 ete ce Ay SW A TER e aia Te ae SS name 8 — te Sie YF ms ee uF Rie rsa SBR se: 22 a curse will descend ween es ~=— E PP re tlacal * if on Douglas College. This time it won’t MS cae we gents. c ad come from Socred_ budget cuts, in- ; \ stead a group of students are bringing ; it on themselves. ee ¥. Although Dorothy is producing/di- recting and Drew designed the set and oversees the technical side, the students involved are running all the § other departments necessary to pre- Hsent the play-publicity, make-up, props (many of which are student % designed), costumes, lighting and sound. Since a lot of responsibility is riding on the students they are expected to work like pros, and a professional work ethic abounds through all the departments coordina- ting Curse of the Werewolf. Curse of the Werewolf is a play of reasonably recent vintage. a musical/ comedy/horror parody of 30’s mad es scientist movies. The show is a collaboration between Dorothy Jone’s production class, and Drew Young’s Stagecraft and Design course. Almost gs: 30 students are par- s ticipating, but they're #3 not just following ; orders, they’re : running the ; show. ‘Y, . Curse of the Werewolf runs for ten --*g Shows between Nov. 22 and Dec. 1. * Tickets are $5 and available in the concourse, but hurry, some shows are already sold out and the others are filling up rapidly. PhotosDave Watso Have you HORRIPILA Watch for ll ris) HORROR SHOW Coming Soon — to your Local D.C.T.F. Gallery Nov.22 to Dec. 2 Douglas College Theatre Foyer Gallery D lately’