MAD HATTER GRADUATION Graduation has been changed to THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1988. Further details regarding the ceremony will be available at a later date. Judy Thomas THANK YOU I would like to express my thanks to Marian Exmann for the great job she did of chairing the Sexual Assault Forum held on February 25. It is my observation that she had to endure some as- sault herself and handled it ina very mature and professional manner. We should all be proud to have a woman such as Marian as Co-ordinator of the Women’s Centre at Douglas College. Well done Marian! Lillian Bullach BASKETBALL GAME FRIDAY NIGHT Basketball Game held in the Douglas College Gym Friday, March 18 at 6:00 p.m. Douglas College Alumni Women’s Basketball Team VS New Westminster Police Depart- ment "Mad Pigs" Admission is by donation to the New Westminster Food Bank. It should be a fun game. Betty Lou Hayes CONGRATULATIONS... IT’S A BOY Patty Lewis - Financial Aid /Placement Officer is now on Maternity Leave. Wendy Watt will now be replac- ing Patty for six months. Vicki Condon will replace Wendy as the Financial Aid Clerk He Oe UPCOMING EVENTS a Friday, March 11 - Sunday, March 20 Douglas College Theatre presents ‘The Hostage’ by Brendan Behan Gen $8/S.S. $5 Performing Arts Theatre, Rm. 4100 Tuesday, March 15 2:00 p.m. Student Recital FREE Performing Arts Theatre, Rm. 4100 Thursday, March 17 10:00 a.m. coffee 10:30 a.m. concert Music in the Morning Series Joan Rowland, Pianist interprets Liszt Call 736-5650 for ticket info Tuesday, March 22 2:00 p.m. Student Recital FREE Performing Arts Theatre, Rm. 4100 —— --———— a a SSS SSS