MAD HATTER PAGE 2 * TO: ALL COLLEGE PERSONNEL FROM BILL DAY PROPOSED SMOKING POLICY At its last meeting, Management Cammittee addressed a restricted smoking policy proposal for the Roayl Avenue Site. The following is an exerpt from the as-yet- unapproved minutes of the Management Com- mittee meeting, detailing the discussion that occurred. Prior to establishing a policy, we in- vite you to comment if you wish on the draft proposal. Please ensure that your comments are in written form, and for- warded to Sooz Klinkhammer on the New Westminster Site, Physical Plant Depart- ment. Deadline for receipt of comments is Thursday, Ocotber 14, 1982, in order that a discussion may proceed at the October 19 meeting of Mangement Conmmit- tee, and a policy be in place when we occupy the new building: 1) Restricted Smoking Policy: West Graydon endorsed the policy pre- sented by Sooz Klinkhanmer, fram the point of view of safety and the cost of Maintaining parts of the building. It was pointed out that the FES budget has not provided for ash urns throughout the building. The policy is not an attack on smokers, simply an attempt to re- strict it where it makes sense to do so. Merrilyn Houlihan advised that the Stud- ent Society strongly supports having re- stricted smoking on site, but not the restriction to cigarettes only. She suggested it be changed to read tobacco only. Bill Morfey spoke ayainst re- stricting it in the business area. Marian Exmann was in favor of a restrict- ed smoking policy, but felt people work- ing in public areas, whether open areas or group offices, should be able to work out a satisfactory arrangement regarding smoking without management having to be- come involved. There was general acceptance that we will have a restricted smoking policy for | the new building, and that it should be in place when we move in. The posting of "This is a smoking area" signs, rather | that "No Smoking" signs, was raised as a possibility, as was using the universal no smoking symbol. It was recognized that some areas should be clearly marked "No Gnoking". e.g., the theatre. With the above canments taken into con- sideration, it was ayreed that the pro- posed policy be published in the next edition of the MAD HATTER, with a dead- line for response to Soozg Klinkhamer of October 14, 1982. TO: BILL DAY FOR FURTHERANCE TO THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FROM: SOOZ KLINKHAMER "RESTRICTED. SMOKING POLICY" For consideration by the Management Can- mittee, I attach a proposed policy in-- tended to provide a 'restricted smoking policy' with reference to the New West- minster Permanent Campus facility. In the interests of maintaining our new facility, both in appearance and by way of operating budgets, we would be wise to initiate this policy prior to our oc- cupation of the new building. Further, an effect of the FES budget, it is our intention to provide ash urns only in those areas where smoking is permitted. , (Initially we may find it wise to place. ash urns and "no smoking" signs at the entrance to no smoking areas). It is not the intention of this policy to prohibit smoking, but rather to restrict it, to: | a) cigarette smoking only, and | b) smoking in only those areas identified | as smoking permitted areas. |