Mad Hatter Page 10. ADULT BASIC EDUCATION PROGRAM - CONT’ The committee further assumed that Douglas College activities in the three major areas of preparation for employment, preparation for further learning, and community educacion, would continue to provide the focus for instructional activities. Conseuuently, Adulc Basic Education was assumed to be one of the major components of the activicy "Preparation for Further Learning”. A third assumption of the committee was that administrators must be respon- sible and accouncable, through the line structure of the organization, to the College Board. In the view of the committee, there is 4 clear difference in the ultimate accouncability between a teacher who administers and an administratot who teaches. A final assumption of che committee was that the current structure (a quarter rime release for an elected convenor) is dearly adequate to maintain existing ptogramming. Therefore, it would not be possible to encourage growth and development in this area with the present “administrative” release time. Suggested Obiectives A) Long Term Tt is the view of the commictee chat a long term objective should be to create an instructional umit that includes all adult basic, social aducation and perhaps some aspects of learning assistance, along with English language training. Such an Adult Basic Education unit should be equivalent in stature to any other departmenc and, therefore, should be under the administracive leadership of a Director. B) Short Term Based on the pocential for growch and dev elopmenct of Adule Basic Education programs and the need to provide EE administrative leadership with sufficient release time for community liaison program planning and development and program evaluation, it is suggesced that, in the short .Su run, che present "STSD ctype" programs be retained as an organizacion unit. Recommendarions Sr piai a aeanaaneeeaaanenneea As a result of the above assumptions and suggested short term and long term objectives, the following racommendations are made: Ll. The administrative head of the Adult Basic Educ should be an appointed scesicion, excluded fro ation (8TSD) orogram m ali sargaining units. 2. Given the aresenc size of this program, the administrative head should mot teach more than half time. Because of t placed in th Diraeccor of: Lo he similarity of ma Educational and § unselling and a my Functions, this orogram should be 2 udent Services Division under the Co ant Placemenc. “4. That liaison between “the Educational and Studenc Services Divisicn and the Community Programs and Services Division, necessary to support the activities of this program, be one of the responsibilities of the jointly appointed community programmer, and of the respective deans.