light table, a point of light reveals ‘the file numbers of the particular applicants to be considered. The appli- cations are then sent to the department chairman for evaluation. "This instant reference system enables us to quickly identify the file numbers of applications for any area of faculty need, and is particularly effective when the need is for unique qualifications." Personnel has found that most applica- tions become out-dated within two years, hence they are destroyed if the appli- cants have not been heard from by that time. Similarly, in the case of support staff positions, applications generally become inactive after six months and are then discarded. Neil emphasizes that each new permanent position, whether for faculty or for support staff, must first be approved by College Council before being adver- tised and filled. However, unlike the final appointments of faculty members, which rest with the Principal, those of support and administrative staff members are officially made by the Bursar. Applications for these positions are reviewed by the re- spective immediate supervisors, who then make "best candidate" recommen- dations to the Bursar through the Personnel Office Supervisor. It is thus clearly evident that in the over-all personnel selection system, immediate supervisors at Douglas College are very much involved in the final choice of both their faculty and support staff members. JOB EVALUATION AT DOUGLAS FACULTY As with all other B. C. community colleges and the provincial public chool system, faculty positions at Douglas College are not individually evaluated. Rather, the approved salary schedule is applied to all faculty. piliwiity ho Upon appointment, however, a faculty member's educational and experience background is evaluated by the Dean of Curriculum and Instruction and the appropriate step on the salary schedule is then assigned. Thereafter, the appointee progresses from one step to another of Douglas's 1l-step schedule. Since no faculty member is appointed at higher than step 8, some obviously may reach the maximum in three years; others may require to progress through several more or all 11 of the steps. The determinants for the assigned com- mencement step are the quality of ed- ucational background and the extent of experience which a member brings to” -~: the job. ' Senior faculty members who are required to assume administrative responsibil- ities receive an additional emolument: chairmen and directors, $2,600; co-ore dinators and their equivalents, $1,300. However, such faculty members receive only one month's annual vacation in- stead of two. A special annual emol- ument of $600 is also provided for those whose positions require that they work an extra month, or a total of 11 months, in the College year. aK SUPPORT STAFF The classification of support staff positions based upon job evaluation is essentially an important and time- consuming aspect of personnel admin- istration at Douglas College. Without this classification procedure, the end product of the College's responsibility to its communities -- the quality of the student's preparation for a satisfying and rewarding career -- would suffer. The many-faceted yet efficient classif- ication system at Douglas begins when a new position is authorized. The first step is the preparation, by the immediate supervisor, of a job description outlining the specific duties and prerequisites for success Continued on page 8