10 LIBRARY a gy USE OF THE LIBRARY IN OUR FIRST YEAR The total circulation of hook material in the two semesters was 77,954. Thiel commares with a total during 19°70 at Canilano Collecte of 22,546, Their TE9 fieure was 12,694, Tf we fexnerience anythine Like a cirilar Increase in our second vear, vou can imacine what next vear's firures «i 11 be for us. The circulation at BoC.I.T. for 1°Ca/ 79 was 45,966, comrared to 32,5]7 thea previous vear. “he finqures for Vancouver City Collece were 62,195 in 1979, This Aiech total, of .conrse, reflects their ruch hicher enrollrent than ours. On aoner canita hasis, it lnoks as though our ficures are hiahe Tn adeition, of ceurse, we have cone a nurher of other thines eurine the vear. - total of 2,96] recuests were Filled. In the snrine semester alone, 1,533 audio-visual coftware items werd loaned and 3,936 nieces of aucio-= visual ecuinrent were lent out. I hore that ‘vou will fird this hrie* surmary of interest. ado feel it ineicates that the vrear has been a hus’ one, and that, desnine sore rerorts to the contrary, thie ji»rar: Was nlavred a vieorens ane bust role in collece life. r + oes Hp eae mMieft Librarian Philosophical Pearls! Choice is the liberation of the chains of Freedom, LIBRARIANS’ Q AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY BOOK SELECTION JANICE NIMefz: Languages ‘ Fine arts Fashion design LINDA GUNSON: Literature Anthropology Psy chology Sociology Child care DEREK FRANCIS: Science Fire science Political science GEORGE NOBLE: Canadian B.C. North-west pacific Business Police science oO GARTH HOMER: History Geography Library science Reference Construction technology DAVID WILLIAMS: Overall book selection xk kk kk RK Kk kk Ok RK Barbara Surrey Library CONTINUING EDUCATION HEAR’ HEAR! BILI, DAY WAS SEEN WEARING A TIE ON. 9 TUBSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 7, 1971.