Rablic Hearing ontect The Riblic ¢ M4 TRUDEAU: WILL WEVES RF Lae TRU DEAU: HEAR US! HIS PIPEWONT BE Bui P= = oe A es ———— Photo by Zack Embree Analysis: Trudeau faces “ipelin opposition during BC tour > Kinder Morgan pipeline continues to stir discontent Greg Waldock In Delta, anti-pipeline protestors “We know we have to put in of other colossal oil spills, accountability Staff Writer beat drums and chanted during place a strong plan to fight climate for Kinder-Morgan to properly maintain Trudeau's speech at a Liberal Party change,” said Trudeau. “There are the pipeline, unresolved First Nations busy weekend for the Prime barbeque. The disruption was brief, people on the other side of the political treaties as traditional land is involved in Minister, involving a province- but enough to garner outside attention. spectrum who don‘ like that.” the construction process, and economic wide tour and attending the Vancouver Members of the Tsleil-Waututh First Trudeau's support of the concerns about splitting the wealth Pride Parade, was marred by frequent Nation, including William George, pipeline being rooted in a desire to between British Columbia and Alberta. interruptions by anti-pipeline led the protest as Trudeau quickly protect the environment has been a The Liberal Party has defended activist at many different stops. interrupted his speech to thank the Liberal Party focus point since the the project by assuring the public that The Kinder-Morgan pipeline protestors for appearing, and encouraged decision to buy the Kinder-Morgan a pipeline across to the coast is the has dominated public discourse the audience to applaud them. pipeline was announced in May. safest and most economically-efficient provincially as well as federally for More significantly, Trudeau’s The purchase cost $4.5 billion and option, and it is currently working years now, but since the Liberal Party visit to Duncan on Vancouver Island involved some of the most significant to secure First Nations approval and announced its support of the project focused on defending his party’s political resistance Trudeau has scientific data regarding potential public outcry at these such events has decision to financially back the encountered during his tenure as Prime spills and the hazards involved. seemingly become more frequent. pipeline project against the protestors Minister. Major anti-pipeline concerns that dogged his entire tour. include environmental safety in the wake Douglas College bans smoking > Vaping also a casualty of new policy Jake Wray “Douglas College chose to go Students concerned about Those caught smoking, vaping, N Editor smoke-free to provide a healthy and not having enough time to smoke or chewing on campus once the ban ews safe work and study environment for between classes should get medical takes effect will be asked to cease ife will be far less convenient its community members. The decision help, according to Douglas College. at once, or vacate the premises, for nicotine addicts at Douglas is in line with other educational “We acknowledge this initiative according to the information document. College beginning September 1. institutions choosing to go smoke- will impact some individuals and we Continued violation of the ban The College has banned free,” the document reads. - encourage you to seek medical advice could be a violation of the Douglas smoking of tobacco and cannabis, ‘We are dedicated to providing to help manage nicotine cravings College student code of conduct, vaping, and chewing tobacco on its a healthy and safe environment for during class and working hours, Use of tobacco for Indigenous campuses, according to a press release both employees and students, as well the information document reads. ceremonial purposes will still be allowed, posted on the College website. as the community around Douglas. Prior to creating the new policy, according to the information document. The College enacted the new This change lets us join the growing Douglas College issued a survey Cannabis smoke will not be policy out of concern for student’s ranks of public institutions that are which found “more than 75 percent permitted even after legalization. health and because other schools going smoke-free,” Nancy Constable, of respondents were bothered by Smoking, vaping, and chewing did it, according to an information director of safety, security and risk second-hand smoke to some degree,” will not be allowed in personal . management said in the press release. according to the press release. vehicles on campus. document about the new policy.