humour / 22 Pipeline work stalled by curious critter » With all the oil to flow, a small one says ‘no!’ : at about waist-height. : Chandler Walter Distribution Manager orkers on the Northern Gateplay Pipeline encountered a strange creature late last week as they were clearing trees. The animal had evidently been living in the trunk of a great oak, and, upon provocation, jumped out at the workers. The creature was orange of fur with a yellow moustache, walked on two legs, and stood “I’ve never seen anything : like it,” pipeline worker Ron : Dole told the Other Press : shortly after the encounter. “It : was just snapping at us with its : sharp little teeth, brandishing : its tiny yellow fists, and then— : of all things—it started to : rhyme.” It turns out that the : creature was the fabled Lorax, returned once more to speak for the trees. “You come with your axes, you sweat and you toil To make this large pipeline : to transport your oil but have you not thought of the trees and the soil?” : The Lorax defiantly asked the : pipeline workers. It was not long until animal : control arrived to capture and : take away the “dangerous and : unstable creature.” Pipeline work continued as scheduled, and the wheels of industry continue to turn. Our recent reports indicate that the poor critter died in captivity, of a broken heart. College Confessional... » Super Fowl Kirsten Scott-Wuori Columnist Did you forget to wear a shirt today? Did you wear too many shirts today? Were you so hungry after lunch that you found yourself eating barely- trash Timbits from the cafeteria garbage can? Did you get your period in any memorable way? We want to know about it. We know that there are times in your life when you look at yourself and you can barely believe the shameful person looking back at you—but don’t worry! There's absolutely The Reluctant Runner: Hills are the worst By Allie Davison Te : absolution in sharing. Get it off : : your chest. Send us your most: : cringe-worthy confessions at :, and : spread the shame. ast year for Super Bowl XLVIII (48, I Googled it) I : decided to host a Super Bowl : party for my friends. I originally : : came up with the idea based : ona combination of Pinterest : boards and a few drinks one : night while watching a game. : I will be the first to admit that I : am more interested in the food : and drinks that accompany : sports, rather than the sports Okay Dog. Let's do this. Downhill running themselves. My cute football-shaped : invite requested peoples’ : presence promptly at 12:00 : p.m. (only three-five hours : before the game was scheduled : to start)—just enough time to : sample the six different kinds of : : chicken wings I had made. Around the middle of the : second quarter I was starting : to feel really flushed—a : combo of too many people in ; my apartment and the frat- : boy amount of beer I had : consumed, perhaps? I went to : the washroom to ensure my > team-colour face paint had to Oh. My God, Dying. should be a sport, Wed win that race every time. : survived the excessive sweat— : only to spend the next 20 : minutes puking my guts out. : worst was over, an urgent : knock on the door and the rest : of my party frantically urging : wasn't. One of those six types of : chicken wings had given us all : food poisoning. I only have one : bathroom in my apartment. this year. Ashley M., 22, Burnaby Bonus points if you don't fall. Ouch. Just when I thought the me to hurry up told me that it I will not be hosting again Photo by thinkstock SYA Why do hills exist? Sty Coy