are not is common, but problematic, she said. “It’s important for people to look at the big picture,” Igneski said. “Before one is able to figure out if it justifiable to lie in the situation, they have to consider all of the effects and whether or not they would want to be treated in this same way.” From a broader societal perspective, many have argued that lies are beneficial—even necessary —to maintain balance in a world of chaos. Nietzsche, for example, stated, “There is only one world, and that world is false, cruel, contradictory, misleading, senseless . . . We need lies to vanquish this reality, this ‘truth,’ we need lies in order to live.” : Bok presented this example in her text as a confusion of the many unintentional or blameless deceptions in life and deliberate lying. She argued that we must distinguish between the intentional deceit of others and other factors that influence human experience to determine whether it is possible for people to be entirely truthful. . The recent film The Invention of Lying, directed by Ricky Gervais and Matthew Robinson, took a stance similar to Nietzsche. The film presented a world in which no one could lie and the characters were constantly miserable under the weight of painful truth. In it, Gervais’s character invented lying, creating with it a skeleton version of Christianity and a sense of hope that people simply did not have in their world of perfect honesty. Lying is frequently a problem in relationships, romantic-or not, and altruism is not always a sufficient justification for the person being lied to. “T think at the centre of any [close] relationship is respect and trust. You would have to ask yourself if you feel like you are being respected by a person who is deceiving you” for the good or for the bad, Igneski said. Trust is built on honesty, which means lying can be a damaging force. “We couldn’t engage in the most simple or basic relationships with” others if we couldn’t trust that they were telling us the truth. Think of a simple example of stopping a stranger to ask for directions. All of our interactions and communications with others rest on an assumption that they are generally being truthful.” However, Igneski maintained that there are certainly benefits to lying. She gave the example of telling me I was the best journalist she had ever read and as a result, theoretically giving me the confidence to continue writing. While this is a positive outcome, she cautioned against missing more subtle implications of lies like this. Could I trust anything else she tells me? If I believed her and chose writing over another pursuit, would she be responsible for misleading me? She also added, “Is it up to me to decide what you would want to hear or what is best for you? Isn’t this too paternalistic?” Her provoking questions returned to the issue of whether or not any lie is completely harmless in the grand scheme of things. “Does it matter if there is a benefit to it?” Igneski asked. People lie to protect themselves and others, sometimes with damaging effects. Nonetheless, Igneski felt it was important to try to avoid lying. “T think it would be an unrealistic goal for someone to say they will never lie; however, it would be realistic for someone to say that they will more seriously consider the perspective of the person being lied to, the long-term consequences to their relationships and to society more generally.”