Gud y Happy Buy Nothing Day, everyone! Buy Nothing Day. It’s a really beautiful concept when you think about it. Can you imagine what it would be like if there were actually a day when absolutely noth- ing was bought or sold? Can you picture the barren shopping malls, the deserted fast-food restaurants, the excellent parking spots at Costco? Try to fathom how much money is normally processed worldwide in just one single day. Now, try to fathom how much good could be done with that money if it wasn’t allocated for the amassing of more “things,” “stuff?’ or if vou’re a fan of Dr. Seuss’s The | ees dayaCcere Soames LOTS an Ton reltaTelen We could give it to sick kids, starving people, or even a certain Other Press editor with a racked up Visa card and a crushing student-loan debt. The yi Naame Ke fray tia tess \nd all it would take is one day a year, One stinking day. One day, when the rampant orgy of consumerism was put on hold in order to make a real contribution. Will this dav ever come? Not Separd attery hovember au/anou New Registration System of Communal Responsibility ..............c0...cccscececssseceeseeeeesseeseees 4 eprrenbe Geirge Gheare te Wan. ...o... 5. .ccescecccsosesescvensens vsteniuyben circa 4 Saskatchewan Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage..................ccccesscscccesesseceseesssseeereees 5 Douglas Marketing Students Do Some Good ...........0....cccccccccssscccssseccesseceeeeseesesseeeeees 5 News to Peruse, Amuse, and Confuse .............ccccccccccccssssececceesssececevsessseeseeestaveeeees 6 WS ONS Bert TRUS in cceccccscsscscsscssccsssscocescvscessosesespescSceutucvicbeebeass ] opinions Wee Wes age Separtinnas Ore coi... sc ccedasenpessavaredvelealoasensodespabiouens dl 8 Moons 2a hseapsencenpitsaqnekenae'belanes lagunsuatoucsce dass tie meee ca aa 9 WMI, aoc scexnscncdsncssteepassacensactatetact lesusvenghelouad ame 10 Nr TT IIE ois ek GRE i eo vas oT ee ee 10 PEI os cevvncevinsedninn rissextss eats cies toe eee eae I arts & entertainment smn l2 Ten Free Things to do on Buy Nothing Day .....0.....00...cccceeccccececssseeceseeeeeseeeeessesevens la NNN es cSt iiucreca si:cs skeesedatntivsinucautenielsuanca dire Measeeuemessaesemed 1B oa oo ccd vs ssndp adn tezengin dl oes Rela Ik The Tragically Hip, Concert Review ..............cccccccccsecsssscsscsssssessesscssessseverseeesees 6 MSIE coos a cacsadsv2cssepisbyeusvoccnieus veocsscucnceae ue lrececcaicad debe lb Other Press Holiday Colouring Contest ............0c.ccccccssccescccsscceseceesecceseccesecessaeeess 1 PONE oh sds iii edadecatbicspiciel dVUkin bata eee ee 18 RRR ES ME AID 19 SONI UMNO ie. c..cansisecccececessoevacceseyieceeee pretties 19 Canucks Embrace American lefties ..................cccccesecsssecccccceeseceverertrsueeeseseeseeeee 20 TOTO TIN oon cis cess eSoccascessccccscsevecdscdec casted lacseeliuttbeaecbeciet al WMD OND Soi. cc cscetennbtiiccicisnivi de ae ea Douglas Scoreboard/Events Calender ............0..cccceccsscesccsscsecsscceecseseuscsevssseesaees ae classifieds DGHEFPPeSs | 2