| # vet NS ‘ Creative Non-Fiction A Contest: To discover where the poet, essayist. fiction writer and journalist meet to shape the page An Invitation: To submit personal narratives; essays, ideas. commentary: descriptive sketches; memoirs, journals. narrative contemplations... Prizes: Three winners will each receive $500, plus publication in Event Note: Previously published material cannot be considered Maximum length for submission is 5000 words, typed. double-spaced, sase f Entry Fee: All submissions must be accompanied by a $10.00 entry fee—and all entrants will receive the next three issues of Event free (Those already subscribing will receive a one-year extension) DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: MARCH 1, 1988 Notification: May 1. 1988, with publication in Summer 1988 Preliminary judging by the editors of Event Address: Creative Non-Fiction Event. The Douglas College Review P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster. British Columbia Canada V3L 5B2 $F pos