MAD HATTER TAKE A RESPONSIBLE LOOK AT AIDS All students, staff, faculty and ad- ministrators are encouraged to at- tend The Aids Symposium, on Mon- day, September 28, 3:00 to 5:00 -m. inthe Performance Theatre, oom 4100. Several important is- sues associated with AIDS will be addressed by Dr. Hilary Waas, Clini- cal Haematologist and Anne Beaufoy, Infection Control Nurse. Discussion topics will include: AIDS in the workplace Prevention and Control Realities vs. Myths A short film will be viewed and a question and answer period will fol- low. The symposium is sponsored by the Personnel Department, in co- operation with DKFA, BCGEU, the Student Society and the Other Press. What everyone needs to know about AIDS ASymposium: A responsible look at AIDS . with Dr. Hilary Wass Clinical Haematology and Anne Beaufoy Infection Control Nurse Intro Film: "AIDS in the Workplace." Date: September 28, 1987 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Location: Theatre Rm: 4100 Presented by the Personnel Department with the Cooperation of: DKFA BCGEU Student Society Other Press Counselling