B. Page 2 of 3 payes. (2) On its receipt, the photocopy will be removed and returned to the requestor. (3) On refusal, the item will be removed and returned to the requestor or royalties will be paid. ARTICLES (1) The Library will accept photocopies of periodical articles for the reserve collection but will immediately write the publisher requesting permission to do so. (2) If permission is refused, the copy of the article will be removed and returned to its requestor. (3) Where available, publisher's reprints will be purchased. Audio-Visual Materials: A. At the direction of the Audio-Visual Librarian, the Learning Resources Department will tape programs for broadcast at the request of an instructor/administrator. The material will be held for preview for a maximum of one week whereon it will be erased unless permission to retain jt has been received, Faculty may not use in a classroom setting video or audio programs taped off-air at home or rented from a home-use tape outlet. Computer Programs: Ae B. Employees are not to use unlawfully duplicated computer programs for instructional or administrative purposes. Borrowers of College owned computer software will be required to sign an acknowledyement of the Canadian Copyright Act.