== (f) Accessibility (Continued): Us State objectives and strategies: - improve articulation, transferability, etc. - increase opportunities for priority programs. - steps to reduce transportation problems. Was Barriers to handicapped. (g) Social Development: iL. Refer to complementarity between College and other agencies: - integration of activities - activities of student societies. aL Plans for international programming. ds Funding source for non-credit courses. (h) Accountability: i. Identify internal mechanism to report achievement of goals and objectives. Lis, How documents are to be made public. Vi. Preparation of 1983-84 and 1984-85 Operational Plan: i Supplement both the summative strategies of the strategic plan and budget requests. Des A more explicit restatement of summative strategies. Si Must be consistent with strategic plan framework. 4. Optional - recent College accomplishments by goal area; - summary statement of issues and directions (see Figure 3, Page 20) oe Operational plan must provide: - objectives implemented in a given year; - action strategies to achieve objectives; - strategies to be carried into subsequent operational plan; - performance measures for each objective; - impact of specified assumptions. 6. Should be consistent with budget requests.