Sa ER tee arr TO TYNE Pe ay mm yf le my tg PAGE-4 THE OTHER PRESS Take Note — Special Guest Parking 1. It is desirable to pro- vide a limited amount of parking for college guests. 2. This parking should be at no cost to the guest and therefore of low cost to the college. 3. 8 parking slots are avail- able for this purpose at the Royal Avenue Ceremonial Entrance. This driveway en- i} trance is clearly marked ‘Permits only, Towaway zone.”’ i] Procedure. 1. Temporary permits must be obtained from the Physical Plant Department for any vehicles parked in this area. 2. A limited amount of permanent parking, by per- mit, may be made available to handicapped persons whose vehicles will not ac- cess the three level indoor parkade. 3. The right to issue temp- orary parking invitations is restricted to Senior Admin- istration; College President, Deans, and Bursar. 4. Permission in all cases is through the Department of Physical Plant via the Director of that department or his designate. 5. The host will issues his or her business card to their guest with the date and ap- proxiamate period of time clearly indicated on the face ~ Take Note of the card. 6. The guest must place this card on the vehicle so that the name, date and time are visible. 7. To prevent over-book- ing, the host must notify the Physical Plant department well in advance, who in turn will notify the security desk. 8. In the unlikely situation that all guest spots have been occupied for a partic- ular time period, permission to park will be denied. 9. All vehicles without per- mits will be towed away. oe LAST ISSUE 83 REDUCE STRESS, IMPROVE MEMORY New Vitamin Formula; Alert 10 has been proven to both reduce exam stress & enhance mnemonic ability. Stock up now for Cristmas exams. Contact Aldo at 434-0694 or meet in the Lower Cafeteria Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:00 to2:00 p.m. 15 per cent discount. | Call Renata 584-8434 rd Technolo Word Technology Word Technology PRO WORD TECHNOLOGY Word Technology Word Technology “ord Technoloe Word Processing Services Resumes, Term Papers, _ |] Reports, Letters, Manuscripts When you've got Molson Malt you've gotit all! QUEER ne MAU |