- MAD HATTER PAGE 6 c) Speakers Bureau (Cont.) - Bill Day suggested the use of a standard feedback/evaluation form, i.e. was speaker good, bad, clear, informa- tive, etc. - Bill Day also suggested that the C P & S planners be checked for any examples they may have of evaluation forms. - It was also suggested that the speakers bureau brochure include the speakers credentials and a precis of general information about the speaker. d) College Magazine It was suggested that approval from administration and the College board be sought regarding the plans of the PIO for having paid advertising in tie Douglas College fall credit/ non-credit magazine. It was agreed that the PIO was to go ahead with implementing such plans while awaiting the Board's and Administration's approval, and that a policy regarding such advertising should be drafted. Bill Day suggested that the PIO should speak with Terry Leonard and Sooz EKlinkhammer regarding names of suppliers who might be interested in advertising in the College magazine. e) Business Men's Letter Bill Day expressed the need to mention, in the letter, what it is that Douglas College does/offers. (i.e. academic, occupational, and community education.) Approximately 4,000 copies of the letter will be delivered, and with typesetting, the length of the letter should fit on one page. Bill Day volunteered his personal signature for letters of this nature. It was suggested that perhaps his signature should be reserved for let- ters requiring more impact. Individually addressed letters will only be sent to those businesses which look as if they might have good potential to advertise, and to those businesses with whom we have dealt with in the past. A title to the letter, instead of using Dear Businessmen, was suggested. £) College Poster The poster should be for long term image purposes, hence the need to in- volve all divisions. Andy Wilson would like to see poster used as a document for liaison purposes. One side should be general inform- ation, the other side short, concise and image related. g) Agressive Advertising Bill Bell presented an example of a proposed ad of a more "agressive" nature. It was suggested that the ad be tested before running it to any Major extent. Julie Steele requested that Financial Aid Dept. and Admissions be made aware of when the ad was to run, in advance of its placement. h) Bus Billboard The billboard will consist of the "blueprint for your future" theme, mention of districts served by the college, the new phone number (also that of Maple Ridge), the Douglas College logo. i) Tours of Permanent Campus i) Media Tour - no discussion (This is being handled by PIO office.) ii) Anne Raffle suggested that a tour for educators (i.e. from high schools, etc. within the region) be looked into, originating from the Educational and Student Services Divisions.