their curriculums. These actions help develop a deeper understanding not just for the student learners, but also for the teaching staff and wider Canadian culture. Regarding the day itself, Hillaby believes that it is important to see September 30 as a means to educate and not just as another day off. As a result, her suggestions for personal education are both salient and accessible. She begins by suggesting that people understand the effects traumatic experiences can have; thereafter, she suggests people connect how residential schools impacted the children who attended, their families and their communities. She also points out that the legacy of residential schools continues through the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system and the child welfare system. Still, further, she implores people to respect survivors who want to share their stories and discourages insensitivity when talking about residential schools. Hillaby also outlines some key aspects of allyship that youth can incorporate into their own lives. First amongst them is a recognition of the misinformation that has plagued previous generations; Hillaby points out that when these ideas are passed on to children, it can instill biases that must be challenged as people learn more. To challenge these biases, she sees it as paramount to learn about unceded land, land rights and Indigenous self-governance and self-determination. Also, there are Indigenous-made films located in the National Film Boards’ online collection to use as educational Illustration by Athena Little resources. These considerations will help youth recognize the diverse Indigenous cultures and histories of Canada. When asked about Indigenous resources, Hillaby pointed to three key organizations. The first was the Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Center which supports activities that promote the health and well-being of Aboriginal People; its aims including assisting the resurgence of Aboriginal culture, language and teachings. The second is the Spirit of the Children Society; a non-profit that empowers and strengthens Indigenous families by providing support and resources to those in need. She explains that the programs offered by the Society are for all age groups and include homelessness prevention. Lastly, she refers to the Urban Native Youth Association which provides support and help towards Indigenous youth empowerment. As for resources specifically geared towards students, Hillaby points to the many free resources that can be found online. Chief among them is the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), which contains 46 articles declaring the rights and protections afforded to indigenous peoples. She also points to the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation website as a place to further educate oneself about the history that has led to this moment. On a lighter note, there are resources for indigenous-led tourist opportunities here in BC as well as a free online course entitled “Indigenous Canada” created and provided by the University of Alberta. Finally, she describes the benefits provided by the Douglas College Indigenous Centre: “I have found Indigenous Student Services to be a place for Indigenous students to connect with each other, allies, and [other] people interested in learning about Indigenous culture.” Important aspects of the centre include beading workshops, harvesting, community lunches, and visits with local elders. The centre also provides study space, computer access, peer support, and one-on-one support services provided by school staff. Hillaby states that “Personally, my favourite aspect of the space is the sense of friendship and community with the other students.” Indigenous Student Services rooms are located in both the New Westminister campus and the David Lam Coquitlam campus. The New Westminister office is located in room $4830 on the traditional territory of the QayQayt (alternatively, Qigayt, pronounced ‘Kee-Kite’) peoples. The Coquitlam office is in room B3131 and is located in the Kwikwetlem peoples’ traditional territory.