Mad Hatter Page 4 chase. Valid during peak periods* in all zones ae Lougheed Mall area, Burnaby east of Gaglardi Way and north of Bey: 1_and east of Inlet Dr. at Ridge Dr. Valid for off peak travel in all zones - Cost per mo. is $4 Supercard: Anyone can_purchase. Valid for travel in all zones at all times. Cost per month is Note: These cards are on sale at the Student Society Business Office (Rm. 2320) for the last five busi- ness days of the Seacueed month and the first five business days of the subsequent month. Office hours are 0800 - 1600 hours, Monday to Friday. Call 522-6038 for further informa- tion. *Peak periods are: First bus out to c eats and from 3 to 6:30 p.m., Mon. ORE . Merrilyn Houlihan For Sale 19" Colour TV (RCA make) $450.00 Toaster/Oven (Proctor Silex) $45.00 Both in excellent condition - only 6 months old. Please phone 531-3175 or contact Tatsuo (Music Dept.)